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It's creepy to think there's someone, whose voice you don't recognize, knows you. You return to the venue, scanning through the crowd.

His outfit's still fresh in your mind. So if you find that, then you find your mystery person.

But it's not that easy. As you look everywhere, your memories begin to alter. There's so many suits identical to it, it's basically mushing and changing the originality of the outfit inside your head.

And then just like that, it's hard to identify it from the rest. A hand suddenly grasps your arm causing you to whirl around and look up. A mask the color of the night with studs of gold aligned perfectly is the first thing you see. Silver chains dangle the curve of their ear and they shine through the hue of the chandelier.

"What are you doing here?" There's an obvious urgency leaking from his tone as he drags you to the side. You don't have to see his face to know who it is. The voice alone suffices. You pry your arm free from Jungkook's grasp and take a step back.

"I could ask you the same thing." That'll definitely leave a red mark.

"Don't throw the question back at me, Y/n. What the heck are you doing here? Do you know how dangerous this place is?" At the last part, he had leaned closer to whisper it. Gazing at the crowd, you swallow thickly.

"I'm here with Aunt Mira."

"Of course you are." He states it with a scoff like its the most obvious thing. But there's not an ounce of amusement by the way he does it. "You need to leave."

"And you think I'll listen to you?"

"Kookie, there you are. I've been looking for you everywhere-oh. And who's this?" Someone waltz to his side and flutters their eyes at him. She's clad in a black cocktail dress that ends between her thighs.

Kira. Who else would it be?

In the end, you both attended the same gathering. Kira disregards her mask and openly judges you from head to toe. At the same time, she presses her chest against Jungkook's arm.

It's the lack of reaction that lets her do more than what she's doing. Using her free arm, she drags his arm behind her waist and leans into him.

With the mask on, she still hasn't figured out it's you.

"No one. Now if you'll excuse me." Turning a blind eye to the glare sent your way, you glide through the crowds and search for your aunt.

"She looks awfully familiar." Kira's voice tones down the further you step away from them. Exactly two minutes later, you're able to spot your aunt about to enter the hall. You reach her before she can take another step further and a breath of relief emits from her.

"There you are. I was worried when you didn't return right away." With a distraught gaze, she tucks a hair behind your ear. "For a minute there I thought I'd end up calling the police."

"That's a little too much don't you think?"

"Not for this party it isn't, sweetheart. You see...."First, she looks and then links her arm around yours. As she takes the lead back to the venue, she leans closer and speaks in a volume that only the two of you can hear. "This isn't just a normal gathering. A lot of people here, let's just say, aren't your typical type of people. That guy in a red tux, he's a sex trafficker. That one, a con artist. While that woman over there, drug trafficking."

A chill slithers down your spine like a snake. "If you know so much, why haven't authorities brought them in yet?

"There hasn't been much evidence to get them behind bars, sweetheart. That's why I'm here. If I can get to at least one of their circles, maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to take them down one by one. But it's not that easy. The reason why I didn't tell you sooner was because I didn't want you to freak out." She stops and looks at you. "Are you okay?"

"Hmm? Yeah. I'm fine. Just a little surprised. That's all."

"We can always leave early if you want to you know. Just say the word and we'll go."

"And have you miss this opportunity to kick some bad guy's ass? No way. And besides." You rub the back of your neck. "I find it kinda... exhilarating?"

"To be surrounded by criminals?" Aunt Mira blinks her eyes in pure confusion and shock.

"That and seeing you in action. That mostly."

Aunt Mira softens her gaze and fixes the position of your mask. "It is quite exciting isn't it? But at the same time, dangerous. So don't get used to it okay?"

You nod your head and she rubs the side of your arm before leading you to her next target. Just because you've been speaking to Aunt Mira the whole time, doesn't mean you haven't noticed Jungkook staring at your from the distance.

At least now, you understand why he mentioned about how dangerous this place is. It's literally littered with criminals.

The fact that they can still hold a gathering in public like this without being caught? Only proves that people are getting smarter at initiating illicit doings.

"There's someone I want you to meet, sweetheart."

Aunt Mira's gentle voice grazes your ears. She brings the both of you to a stop, in front of two men. With a comforting hand placed on your back, she displays her professional smile.

"Im sure you remember my niece, Y/n."

A familiar blue suit. A familiar black mask.

"I sure do." A deep voice that sends a chill down your spine. The latter takes your hand and hovers his lips above your knuckles.

"Charming as always aren't you, Tae?"


"Tae?" You voice out your thoughts, unable to hold back. In return, he gives you a smile. One you know all too well.

"Hmm. Yeah. Did you miss me?"

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