Tomorrow is a big day

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At Nisha's home..

Nisha - Should I call him ?..
No, but what if he didn't like it.
What if he is with Avira right now. I shouldn't disturb them.

Nisha goes to her bed.

Nisha - I can't call him but I can message him na.. Whenever he will be  free, he will reply.
Yeah, I will message him.

"How are you ? I have heard that you are not feeling well. Get well soon.", Nisha typed in the message.

Nisha - Should I send him this ?

After thinking for a while, Nisha sent this message to him.

Nisha - Now I can sleep peacefully.

As soon as Nisha closed her eyes to sleep, Sahir's call came.

Nisha - What ? Sahir's call ?
I hope everything is fine..

Nisha picks up the call.

Nisha - Hello ?

Sahir - What hello ?

Nisha - Hello means hello.. why ?

Sahir - I am really upset from you.

Nisha - Why ?.. what i did now ?

Sahir - Really ? You seriously don't know what you did ?

Nisha - No, I don't.
Tell me na, what happened ?

Sahir - I am not feeling well and you didn't even bother to call me once to ask about me., said childishly.

Nisha - It's not like that.. I had messaged you.

Sahir - Yes, I have seen your message.
But do you think message was enough for me ?

Nisha - I thought that you must be sleeping that's I didn't..

Sahir - Ohh...stop making excuses now.

Nisha - Sorry..,said in a cute voice.

And here Sahir's heart melts once again on hearing his little doll's cute voice.

Sahir - Ahhhhh.....!

Nisha - What happened ?
Are you okay ??

Sahir - No..
You just attacked on my heart.

Nisha - What !
When did I attack on your heart ?, asked confusingly.

Sahir - Leave will not understand.

Nisha - I will understand na if you will explain me.
Please tell na...
Please Sahir..., said innocently.

Sahir - Ahhhhh !!!!!.. and here it goes again..

Nisha - What goes again ?

Sahir - Your attacks on my heart, said romantically.

Nisha feels awkward hearing his voice in romantic tone.

"It will be too much for Nisha Sharma.", thought Sahir.

He changes the topic to end Nisha's awkwardness.

Sahir - Listen..

Nisha - What ?

Sahir - Wait for me tomorrow.
I will come to pick up you for school.

Nisha - But ...

Sahir - No buts and ifs..
I will come to pick up you.
And if..

Nisha - And if what...?

Sahir - And if I found that lizard anywhere around you then you know me..

Nisha - Ewww.. Lizard ?

Sahir - Yeah ..your friend.
What's his name ?..

Nisha - Ayush ?

Sahir - Yes yes.., that Ayush.

Nisha - Sahir, he is not a lizard.
He is my friend.

Sahir - Ohh..He is your friend.
Bestfriend ?

Nisha - No, just friend.

Sahir - Then tell him to behave like a friend only.
And for tomorrow, you know what I am taking about..,said in a serious tone.

Nisha - Yes but what if he comes to my house before you.

Sahir - Then you can tell him to wait as I want meet him.

Nisha - No no...
I will not tell him to wait.
I will tell me that you are coming to pick up me so I can't come with him, said happily.

Sahir - This much happiness !!
Can I ask why are you so excited ?!, asked teasingly.

Nisha went silent.

Sahir - Ary come on answer.

Nisha - Sahir, can I ask you something ?

Sahir - Yes, ask.

Nisha - Avira is ..

Sahir - Stop..
Don't talk about anyone else right now.
Just talk about yourself as I want to listen more about you.

Nisha feels little strange.

Nisha - Sahir, what happened to you ?

Sahir - Nothing.
You will get all your answers tomorrow.
So sleep tightly as tomorrow is a big day.

Nisha - Big day ?

Sahir - Yeah.. you will get to know tomorrow.
So bye and gudnight..

Sahir disconnected the call..

Nisha - Hello..? Sahir ?
What happened to him ?
What big day ?
Oh my god..what is he upto now ?
Please me and him..and everyone of us..

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