Nisha is missing

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Sahir - What?..why are you guys looking at me like this ?

Aman - Nothing..just calm down.

Avira - Sahir why did you react this way on Nisha's insult?..
Infact you should be happy but your reaction was totally opposite of what we have imagined.

Vivek - Leave these things for now.
Sahir you relax.. Nobody will ask you anything.

Sahir leaves.

Avira - Why is Sahir behaving so weird?

Samina - Don't worry Avira..He said na..he did this because they were involving him with Nisha.

Aisha - Yes.. That's it.. Don't think too much about it.

Nisha was sitting alone on the bench of school playground.

Nisha - No I am a strong girl..I have promised grandma that I will not cry anymore.
No....I am not weak. I can teach Sahir a lesson. I will expose him..yes...I will.

Sahir was listening her. He was feeling somewhat bad.
He still wanted to smash those boys head on wall for making Nisha cry.

In class

Varun sir enters.

Varun sir was biology teacher for class 11th and 12th.
He was not as strict as Manoj sir but yes he was not so liberal either.

Varun sir - Good morning students.
I hope you all are ready for your first class as my student.

Sahir was sitting alone as Nisha has still not arrived in the class.

Sahir - Ashi...Listen..Ashi.

Ashi - What?, Said rudely.

Sahir - Where is Nisha ?

Ashi - I don't know and why it matters to you?.. wherever she is..she must be happy and fine as you are not there with her.

Varun sir - What's going on there?

Ashi - Sir he is disturbing me.

Varun sir - Oh hello mr. I am here in the class only. Whatever your matter is.. disscus it after class.

Sahir - Why did I even ask her?...
And what kind of bestfriend is she..?
Her bestfriend is missing and she is not even bothered.

Vivek - What happen?...why are you looking so worried?

Sahir - Nisha is missing. She has not arrived in the class yet.

Vivek - Relax Sahir..Maybe she has gone back home as whatever happens today must have hurted her.

Sahir - Wait a minute...Those boys are also not in the class. I think something is wrong. I can feel it . Nisha is in danger.

Vivek - Sahir relax...We will do something after class.

Sahir - I can't wait for the class to end, said aggressively and loud enough for whole class to hear.

Varun sir - What happen ?..Why are disturbing the class again and again ?

Sahir leaves the class in rush without answering anyone.

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