Chapter 11 - Planning a Date

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Izuku wasn't surprised to see that the Bakusquad was late for breakfast. Man, Kirishima was right, we shouldn't have done this on a school night. Ah, well, guess that's to be expected when staying up all night to talk about your feelings. He made eye contact with Ashido for a moment.

"I'm okay, Midoriya, don't worry" she whispered with a small smile. He's always so considerate! How did Bakugou ever manage to wrap this green bean around his finger? Seriously? Wait what?! Did she know about their relationship?! But he thought Kacchan wasn't ready to tell anyone!

"Say, what was the commotion about? I heard you all rummaging around in Bakugou's room last night. Luckily I had earplugs" Shoji mentioned.
"Oh, we had a squad meeting that ended in a sleepover, sorry if we woke you up" Kirishima apologized.

"A sleepover? On a school night?!"

Oh no... Izuku should've known Iida wouldn't let that one slip... He started lecturing the squad without remorse. Izuku could hear everyone mentally complaining about how loud their class rep was being first thing in the morning, but very few spoke up about it. Kacchan was pissed off the moment he stepped foot in the common room. Luckily he was prepared for this situation!

[I made breakfast for you] he signed with a smile.
[It's nothing much, but I wanted to return the favor]
"Thanks nerd" Kacchan mumbled, a tired smile tugging on his lips as he sat down at the table. Damn, the nerd knows me way too well, always knowing what I want. Huh, this stuff ain't half that bad... Kinda surprised he managed to make this without burning the kitchen down-Ow!

Izuku frowned at his boyfriend after kicking him under the table. Tch, keep your nosy ass out of my brain, Deku. Izuku rolled his eyes, allowing Kacchan to continue to eat in peace. He deserved some after opening himself up like that. Unfortunately their little moment was disrupted when Ashido slammed her hands on the table next to them, startling Izuku so much that he almost jumped out of his chair.

"Midoriya, we need to talk"

God, they're adorable together! How did I not see the potential before! I need to make sure Blasty doesn't screw up, Midoriya is an absolute catch. That's right! She knew about their relationship! Something he still had to confront his boyfriend about.
[She knows?! I thought you wanted to keep it a secret?]

[The whole squad knows after our emotional breakdown last night. She wants to arrange our first date] Kacchan signed back. Sorry Deku, but it was this or getting dissolved on the spot. Mina is fucking scary.
[What? But that's-] Izuku started, only to be yanked out of his chair by the pink girl.
"Kami, come on! I need you to translate!"

With that, the three of them vanished from the common room. Ashido pulled him outside, Kaminari following closely behind.
"Alright, I don't know how you managed to tame Blasty, but he's absolutely smitten for you" Ashido started.
"And as class 1-A's love expert, I will see to it that you two have the best first date anyone can get!"

Izuku's face flushed red in embarrassment.
[Kacchan told me he wasn't ready to share yet] he signed.
"Yeah, so we had a big sharing moment yesterday and it slipped out" Kaminari shrugged.
"I was thinking, and hear me out on this one" Mina started.
"Dinner and then a movie! There is this cute new cafe close to school and I know they're showing the new remaster of that vintage All Might movie you're obsessed about"

[...That actually sounds really nice] Izuku smiled.
"He likes that idea" Kaminari translated.
"Yes! Alright, you have plans this Saturday?" she asked with a wide smile.
"Cancel them! You're going on a date with Blasty! And I'm gonna help you get dressed, as per Bakugou's orders"

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