Chapter 4 - A talk with Kacchan

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A/N I have asked myself: Kelly, are you overcompensating for the fact you weren't allowed to write any ships in your last fic? And you know what? Maybe I am

Anyway, welcome to the BakuDeku speedrun

Izuku was staring down Kirishima's door not much later, notebook still at hand. Kaminari had made sure he went here straight away to smooth things over with Kacchan and save him from being an outlet to his anger and frustration. And the blonde was in there, Izuku could hear his thoughts after all. By the sound of Kacchan and Kirishima's thoughts, he could already guess what the conversation was about: Izuku.

Kirishima was worried about their relationship, about Bakugou's outbursts the last few days. He wanted to know what happened, wanted to help solve the issue. Kacchan was being stubborn though, not wanting to admit he actually cared about someone- because he cared a lot about his classmates, Izuku discovered -and he didn't want to admit how he was suspicious of Izuku's behavior and that Deku was simply avoiding confrontation.

He didn't want to admit he was scared of what would happen when that confrontation actually came around... Because there was a reason Izuku was avoiding him, right? A reason he didn't want to talk about it... Izuku's heart froze over when he heard Kacchan think he didn't trust him. That even if he was in on One For All, Izuku was wary of his former bully. Because why wouldn't he? Bakugou was the one who made his life miserable for all those years, didn't he..?

It was that moment Izuku decided to knock, hearing how both of them wondered who decided to disturb them when Kacchan made it clear to the Bakusquad not to bother them.
"Midoriya?" Kirishima said in surprise as he opened his door. Izuku gave him a nervous smile and a small wave. He should put his notebook down so he could sign better.
[I know you can't understand this but please just go get Kacchan so I can talk to him] Izuku said, his hands moving about as he signed, clearly confusing Kirishima as the redhead tried to decipher the unknown language.

"Uhm, Bakugou, can you come and translate?"
"Whatever" Bakugou muttered, walking up to Kirishima, standing next to the redhead in the doorframe. What the hell is Deku doing here anyway? Surprised he didn't run away as soon as he saw my face...
[I came to talk to you] Izuku motioned, making Kacchan's eyes widen a bit.

[I've been avoiding you and I'm sorry]

"What's he saying?" Kirishima asked, only to have Kacchan blast him in the face and push him back into the room.
"So you're finally manning up and facing me head on huh? About damn time" he grunted, sounding confident and pissed off. Izuku knew it was a façade though, hearing his nervousness and uncertainty through his anxious thoughts.

[I'm sorry] Izuku signed again, before picking up his notebook again, signing the rest with one hand.
[Talk in private?]
"My room. You're not getting away before I have my answers" Kacchan stated, grabbing Izuku's arm and pulling him towards his dorm next door. Bakugou instantly locked it once they were inside, making Izuku even more nervous about all of this.

"So why the hell have you been avoiding me hah?!" Katsuki hissed.
"You've been acting weird as fuck ever since you've been hit with that shitty silence quirk! There is something going on you're not telling us, not telling me, because you're worried what we would think or say, right? Because you don't want any of us to worry about you! You fucking reckless, selfless shitnerd!"

[I'm sorry] Izuku signed again, staring at the ground, unable to face Kacchan.
"No you're not, don't fucking lie to me" Kacchan huffed, walking past him and sitting down at his desk.
"Now explain everything to me and don't you dare leave out even one damn detail or I'll kill you"
Empty threats, Izuku knew that, but that didn't mean he was any less scared of what Kacchan would think. How did he even start to explain? How could he admit to invading his privacy? He basically spied on him! On everyone! How could he possibly tell him that..?

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