12 | twelve

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Melionë Brewer

For the first time in a while, I was bored.

I don't want to read. The shows and movies that are on, are not very appealing right now. I don't have any homework to do. I don't feel like going out alone today. Video games give me anxiety- I don't feel like being creative.

You're probably thinking; Well, why don't you hang out with one of your friends? Well, my mom and Dimitri were gone for the weekend. Isaiah is out with his friends, Selene is with Isaiah (Oh, yeah they are soulmates! I am so happy for them!). River said she was busy (with Jay most likely). And I don't know what Ace is doing, so maybe he's free.


Melionë: ACE

Melionë: HI


Melionë: Send help pls

👼Golden Boy👼: Heyo

👼Golden Boy👼: Ayy i'm bored too

👼Golden Boy👼: everyone is busy today T~T

Melionë: I know T~T

👼Golden Boy👼: lol you wanna hang

Melionë: yes pls :)

👼Golden Boy👼: Alrighty!

👼Golden Boy👼: I'll be over in a bit ok?

Melionë: okie


I smiled at my phone, happy that I have a lot more friends than just one. Don't get me wrong, I love River. But she's not free 24/7. I grabbed some chips from the cupboard, walked into the living room, and sank into the couch. I don't know what I should do while I wait for Ace to arrive. I might as well just sit in silence and wait. But that never turns out good.

Normally when I do that, I get the case of "what if's". What are those you might ask? It's basically when I think of things that could happen and then psychs myself out.

I feel one coming on now.

What if I was normal?

Ah, this is a frequent one.

I could hug and talk to my family and friends. I could order things without needing to write them down. I wouldn't cry or freak out when anyone touched me. I could make friends easier. I COULD HAVE A LIFE-

And another one.

What if my friends didn't actually like me?

I hate this one.

They could be pretending to like me. They could be faking it this whole time! What would they gain from it? A laugh? A sick joke? A prank? Or maybe out of pity? They shouldn't like me out of pity! That would be sad-

There was a knock at the door. I jumped. Realizing it was most likely Ace at the door, I took a deep breath and got up to open the door.

"Hey," Ace smiled.

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