Chapter 9

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"This is a perfect spot," Mo told Kane. "I don't even know that the kids slept, they were so excited."

Kane grinned his handsome silly grin, reaching for her hand. "I grew up on this lake. We used to come here to swim and kayak and fish." He gave a nostalgic sigh. "I know you were nervous about going to a pool, so I thought this would be a good way to ease into it. The kids can have a little bit of independence."

Morgan and Dray were itching to run out to the water, but they waited impatiently for Mo and Kane to finish setting down all of their things. Lilliana was already filling a bucket with sand.

Mo was thankful they were already lathered in sunscreen. She pulled a hat over Lilliana's head. Her honey blonde hair wouldn't offer her little scalp any protection from the sun.

"You can't go in past your hips. Do you understand?" she told the two boys who nodded.

"Can we take the float, Aunt Mo?" Dray asked and she nodded.

"I'll go with them," Kane told her, his hand skimming her bare arm. She was tantalizing in her bathing suit, and he took a deep breath.

Mo sat on the sandy embankment with Lilly who was trying to build a tower. She helped her shape some of the things into a castle, or castle-like. They dug a moat and attempted to fill it with water.

She watched Kane splash around with the boys. He was so good with them. She hadn't even noticed that he had pulled his shirt off. He was so tan and fit.

He must've felt her stare because they met gazes. He gave her a wink and she looked away.

"Swim?" Lilliana asked after awhile.

"Okay, we have to put on your floatie. "

The little girl's floatie was like a shirt that buckled on with a tube around her waist. She was still too little for the puddle jumpers, and hesitant about getting her face wet.

Mo stepped into the cool, clear water that was a relief after soaking up the sun. She took Lily's hands and pulled her over to her brothers.

"What a great little swimmer you are," Kane cooed to her. She giggled, reaching for him and he took her hands.

Mo couldn't take her eyes away from him. He was perfect, exactly the person she dreamed of having by her side. What did he see in her?

"Tag," Dray said, poking her. "Auntie Mo is it. Run!" he yelled to Morgan who kicked and splashed in the inner tube.

They all swam for well over an hour before Mo moved them over to the sand to eat lunch.

She passed everyone a sandwich, even Kane who sat right beside her, leaving no space between.

"Thank you," he told her, serving the kids some grapes before popping one in his mouth.

They ate like a family. Mo felt happy for the first time in a long time. Not that her three babies didn't make her happy, but there was a void there without her sister. She was her best friend, and a part of her died with her.

With Kane though, things were starting to be okay.

"Oh no. You're starting to burn," she told Kane, eyeing a red patch on his back he must have missed. "Didn't you put on sunscreen?"

He chuckled, "Of course I did. I must've missed a spot."

"I should put some more on the kids anyway. I will get your back, too."

She lathered down her three which were starting to wind down. They opted for the sand instead of the water which would let their food settle.

"This is going to be painful later, Kane," she mumbled, rubbing the lotion into his back. She was trying not to think too much of it, but it was hard not to.

"It'll be okay," he said back, enjoying her hands on his skin maybe a little too much. "I'd do it again just for this."

She poked the red spot on his back and he flinched.

"Hey," he protested, turning to face her. "Not cool."

Their faces were inches apart. He could see little gold flecks in her eyes. She bit her lip and his eyes followed the movement.

"Aunt Mo!" someone yelled and she sighed.

"Looks like they're full of energy again." She turned to face him. "Today has been perfect."

He smiled, reaching to run his hand along her cheek affectionately.

"The best," he agreed.

The Moments We Live ForOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora