Chapter 8

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"One table leg coming up," Kane said, holding the leg up like a flag when Mo answered the door.

She laughed a bit, that beautiful smile gracing her lips and she motioned him inside.

The house was a lot more unpacked and personable since he had last seen it. It was cozy.

"Dinner's almost ready. The boys are downstairs if you want to go say hi," she told him, leading him into the kitchen where Lilliana was coloring on the floor.

"That has to be the prettiest princess I have ever seen," he told her, spotting the shape underneath piles of rainbow scribbles.

"Thank you, Kane."

He looked up to find Mo at the stove. Her long hair was braided down her back and matched Lilliana's perfectly.

"Do you mind if I fix the table before I go down to see the boys?"

"Of course not. What do I owe you for it? I will write you a check."

He set down his toolbox. "Nonsense, Mo." It took him just a few minutes to fix it up.

She frowned, "I'm not a charity."

He knew there was more to that statement. He gestured for her to help him flip the table over.

"I know you're not. Think of it as an employee discount."

She ran her hand over the wood with a relieved sigh. "I'm so glad it's up. Thank you."

He stepped closer and she reached, clasping her hand around his. He desperately wanted to kiss her but he didn't know how soon was too soon.


Kane placed the last plate into the cabinet and Mo began putting the dirty dishes into the dishwasher.

The kids were in the next room. He could hear a TV running.

"You're a great mom," he told her gently.

She looked up at him, pained blue eyes. He wished he could understand. "I'm not their mom."

"Maybe not technically," he murmured. "But you are the real deal."

He noticed the slightest tremble in her bottom lip. He hoped he hadn't offended her or said something wrong.

The first tear dropped onto her cheek, and he couldn't hold back from reaching out to her.

She cried softly into his chest and he cradled her protectively, one hand against the back of her head.

"It's okay," he soothed. "I'm so, so sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry." 

She sniffled, a long pause between them. "It wasn't you. I didn't realize how much a I needed to hear that."

He wiped the stray tears with the pads of his thumb. He bent his head, his lips catching her forehead.

She took a few shuddering breaths, and he could tell she was too embarrassed to look at him, but he continued to hold her close.

"Let's go on a date," he said, changing the subject.

"A date? But-"

"With the kids," he added. "Something all of us could do together."

She relaxed, hesitantly moving her hand from his front to around his back so she could rest fully on his chest. He started running his hand up along her spine and she released a content sigh.

"Okay," she agreed, and he saw the hint of a shy smile. She was so damn beautiful. "Did you have something in mind? Because-" she cut herself off, not wanting to overstep. It was his idea and he might have something in mind.

"No, no. Continue with your idea. I didn't have anything in mind. Besides, you know what the kids would like more anyway."

"I know they'd really like to go swimming, I've just been nervous to take them on my own. I grew up swimming in the summertime," Mo trailed off.

"Me, too. First place freestyle right here," he bragged and she laughed. "I have the perfect place in mind. Maybe this weekend?"

She agreed, seeming a lot brighter. "You could meet us here, or I can pick you up."

Another long pause, and he could see her thinking hard about something.


He hummed in response.

"You do realize that I'm a package deal, me and them. They're my priority."

"I know. I don't have any problem with that."

"I just don't understand why you would choose that," she whispered.

"I've always dreamed of having a family, Mo. This little glimpse that you've given me is more than I could have ever imagined."

They finally seperated, finding all three children watching a movie.

Kane did end up staying to catch fireflies. It was the little moments he cherished, the joy and happiness on all of their faces. And he was being honest with Mo, he was truly having the time of his life.

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