27: Love, loss, and sacrifice

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330 hours left. 55 minutes. 37 seconds.

2 weeks left.

You know your death is coming soon and each day gets harder and harder because with the world trying to prepare to take you away, you aren't as strong and capable as the warrior you once were.

"You aren't allowed to leave the hospital. That is an order."

You scowl at Jungkook. "Haven't I mentioned? I despise the hospital."

"It's for your own safety," he tells you. "You're too reckless, Y/N, and one day that recklessness will really kill you."

"So what if it does?"

Upon your words, he stops reading the paper in his hand and looks up at you as if you had just said the most ridiculous thing. And you had to admit, it probably was.

"So what if you die?" He repeats in a more grave tone. "If you die, who the heck will protect us? Who will I have fun training with? Who will teach me more of your cool moves and combat skills? Who will I teach to wield a gun? Do you really think that lowly of your life? Because let me tell you, you are possibly the most important figure in our building, after us."

What about Miran, you want to ask but thinking her name alone makes you want to gag it frustrates you too much.

"You can find a replacement anytime, you know," you say instead in a flat tone.

"But they won't be you."

The world stops for a second and your heart starts drumming of butterflies and ache.

Such bittersweet words.

"They won't be as strong as you, or as giving, as loving, as carefree. No other bodyguard will ever go to the extent that you've shown us and although I hate that so much, I also understand that it is a quality that only..." Jungkook trails off a little as his face begins inching closer and closer to you until he's close enough to tuck your hair behind your ears, "that only Goddess Y/N possesses."

You smile at his words but they are words that also makes you want to cry.

And you do.

And Jungkook is there to hold you, thinking you're sad and thankful because no one has ever told you that but truth is, you're crying because the words he tells you are the kinds of parting words that your Lord Jungkook would have told you.

Your Lord Jungkook who loves you with all his heart, your Lord of Darkness who would have told you the exact same words.

If you die, if they forget you, who will be the one to protect them if not you? Who will remain loyal by their side? Who will give them another type of love?

If it isn't you, then who will it be?

You have to succeed. They have to love you.

But how? How will it all come down into place?

There were three mortals before you who took the trail and all three failed. Who are you to think you can accomplish the mission and become a Goddess to rule the world alongside your Gods?

You already know what loss means. You've lost them the second Miran came into the picture.

You know what sacrifice is. You've done it all along for everyone else.

And you know love is the feeling you have for the seven of them, Lords or not. You love them all even without such title.

If this reincarnation period can last a little longer, a few years perhaps, with you being able to make them fall in love with you, then you think that you will not mind the life one bit.

After all, it isn't very different from Olympus.

You still serve as a protector to them, you all just won't be able to live on forever. But a plus side to this life, apart from what the Underworld doesn't have, is Kai. A little boy, Jimin's little brother, whom you've come to love and cherish.

Love isn't just a mutual feeling between a significant other. The bond is also shared between best friends, you've also found that within the guys, and a bond between family.

Three types of love and you've learned it all, just as you've learned of loss and sacrifice.

You've accomplished that piece of the mission. All that's left is getting the seven of them to love you.

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