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Being young and in love wasn't what I thought it would be. I didn't think I'd fall for my neighbor. I definitely didn't think I'd fall for the school's "bad boy". I didn't think he'd fall for me either though.

He was mysterious and new.

Hated everyone and talked to nobody. Everyone knew him, but he didn't care to know anyone else. Besides me anyway.

Not even a week into his new school and I was already embarrassing myself in front of him.

He was sweet and kind when he wanted to be. He was evil and rude around people he didn't like.

He was a badass without even trying to. With his leather jacket and motorcycle.

His muse became me though, and my muse was him.

Being the girl next door came in handy with him. It was easy to become close without anyone finding it weird. Of course being neighbors wasn't weird.

I was the typical girl. Standing at 5'3, long brown curly hair, slightly tanned skin and freckles scattered my entire body.

One thing caught his eye with me.

My eyes.

He was typical though too. Tall, standing at almost 6'5, a little pale, dark almost black hair falling just below his jawline, perfectly toned body. His dark brown eyes reminded me of the color of a beautiful dark coffee bean almost.

We both had perfect families, well almost. Everyone had their battles though. It was never nothing new of course. Beautiful on the outside and a little bitter on the inside.

Every family was like that though right?

People seen our families as the typical American families. The perfect photo copy out of a family magazine. Seen as a representation for a great family I guess.

Finding out the shitty part of the past wasn't as easy as he would have hoped though. I mean, he had a shoulder to lean on, but it didn't make it any easier.

Thinking things would be easy was stupid of us.


This book/story takes place in 2020/2021 but covid isn't a thing. Like nobody has to worry about it or anything. So when they're in school and stuff masks aren't a thing. I won't bring Corona/covid into it either lol..


I hope you enjoy this book/story. Thank you for reading it! I love you all!

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Enjoy everyone!!!!!



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