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The carriage shook as it crossed a bumpy road. But not even the slightest of things could distract a certain lady from her swirling thoughts. She faces her parents who are sitting across from her in their finest fur coats.

"Mother, what if Reiner and I didn't like each other?"

Mrs. (L/n) only waves her feather fan while scoffing in the process, "As if that has anything to do with marriage," she spat, "do you suppose your father and I like each other ?"

"Surely you must a little."

"Of course not." (Y/n)'s father and mother answered in unison, a displeased frown displayed on their faces.

(Y/n) sighs, "But mother, shouldn't Reiner Braun marry a princess or something ?"

"Oh nonsense! Our family surely meets the high standards of the Brauns. I'm sure we'll get a big sum of gold and escape from our life as merchants."

"But.." (Y/n) purses her lips, "I've never spoken to him."

Her mother clicks her tongue in annoyance, "Well at least we're making it happen in a few minutes, you fool. Stop talking already. Marriage is a partnership, a little tit to the tat."

A low pathetic cough is heard from the outside of the carriage, cutting off Mrs. (L/n)'s sentence.

"Blimey, Magath!! Silence your ugly coughing, would you?!"

The carriage comes to a halt slowly and the sound of the horses' footsteps has ceased. Mr. (L/n) clears his throat, sending a glance to his wife and daughter, "We're here."

"The Braun Mansion."

With the help of Magath, the poor coachman, Mrs. (L/n) and her family stepped off the carriage and stand in front of the huge carved wooden doors. Making a sharp turn on her heels, Mrs. (L/n) turned to (Y/n) and clenched her daughter's shoulders, "Fix your posture, straighten your legs and dress. Gosh, you look like you have rickets!"

The door suddenly creaked as it opened, revealing a male servant.

In a blink of an eye, Mr and Mrs. (L/n) put their polite faces on as they strolls inside the humongous shabby mansion.

"What a pleasure, (L/n)s. Welcome to our place."

Mrs. Braun forces a smile into her face, "We'll be drinking tea in the west drawing room. Would you please lead the way, darling?" She nods to her husband, beckoning him to make a move.

Hence (Y/n) is left alone in the mansion's lobby.

Her eyes darted to every corner of the room, until an old piano came to her field of view. It's a bit dusty, yet in a good condition. It looks.. lonely. Just like her.

After sneaking a glance to her left and right, (Y/n) makes her way to her favorite instrument and begins to play without thinking twice. Her eyes are closed, and her fingers are dancing on the black and white keys that produce a sad melody. Unknown to her, her playing caught the attention of a certain man in the mansion. He begins to walk towards her.

(Y/n) is so absorbed in her own music that she fails to hear a man approaching the piano. When she opened her eyes slowly, the corner of her sight caught a foreign figure beside her, making the lady shriek and stop her play abruptly.

She clumsily stood up from her seat, nearly knocking a flower vase, "Please do forgive me."

"You played beautifully."

"I- I do apologize, Mr. Braun. How rude of me to touch your family's belonging without permission-"

"My parents wouldn't let me be near the piano. Music is improper for a young warrior. Too passionate she says," he cuts her off with a sad smile, "I really wanted to play it since I was little."

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