Chapter 14: Potential death

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All the members gathered around Hyunjin's bed. He was at the dorms still asleep from the shot he received at the hospital.

The doctors reassured them that the lack of feeling was an one time thing and it happens sometimes in cases like Hyunjin's in the process of physical therapy, as scary as it might be.

They gave them a wheelchair at first and when he would gain more strength he would take rid of it, till he literally gets back on his feet.

When he opened his eyes he recognized his the room as Chan's. He shot up and tried to feel his legs, being able to feel his nails piercing through his skin made him release an anxious sigh among with a drowned sob.
Almost immediately, he found himself into Chan's embrace. Everyone got out of the room letting their leader calm the blond boy.

"Shhh, baby it's okay... see? Everything is alright. We're home now. You are safe and with our help you will be healthy again, as much as your little heart allows you."

"I'm sorry Chan... it was- I just- oh my god it was so fucking scary. To not physically feel anything. It made me want to die."

"Oh no honey, don't say such things! What would we- I do without you? Plus it is not going to happen everytime. It is going to be alright."

"Thank you Chanie... for being here."

"Don't even think about it love. I'll always be there. "

"Hyung... I want to ask you a question."

"Go on..."

"What are we?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like- our relationship-"

"Oh I'm sorry, I thought it was clear, we are boyfriends. And that's only if you wan-"

"Of course I want you, I was just confused and worried, what if you did-"

"Don't. Now, you know. No need to worry anymore, we are together and I love you. You scared me so much."

"I'm sorry Chan, but what I wanted to say is-"

"No don-"

"Please listen to me. I love you too so much. But I don't want to trap you in a situation like mine. I have done the surgery and I'm taking the medication needed but... me and you both know that, it'll come back and then I could die. I don't want you to have in your mind in my death risk."

"Look darling. You are not, pressuring me into anything. I want to love you and do so, I want to be with you and do so, I want to help you and do so. I'm not going to lie. If anything happens to you I'll lose my mind i- but- but... we could go out today and get hit by a track. You don't know when or how everyone is gonna die, so no. I'm not risking my love and yours too because of a possibility, of a potential cause of death. Yet, i know, as much as I despise this... scenario it could happen, but I swear I will try to make the best of our time together and if anything happens remember I love you and I’ll try my best to have you back."

"I'm so thankful to have you."

"Hey! Don't cry again, it's not good for your eyes and heart! Come on let's cuddle."


I know I said I wouldn't update but-
I'm in the hospital because I fainted and they want to check everything up so I'll stay there for a few days (at least till I go back to my uni I won't need to visit doctors again).
So I'm bored and I've decided to update since visitors are not aloud because of covid.

I may upload another chapter during the day... the last one:)

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