Chapter 6: Side effects

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And as Hyunjin had a cosy afternoon, his doctor was desperate to find the real reason behind his condition. And of course a safer and easier path for Hyunjin to at least cope with his health.

He searched all the medicine articles at the most famous and unknown medical magazines. He searched for missed details on Hyunjins papers.

The only thing he found that was actually useful, was a specific part on the article about children, considering the fact that Hyunjin's condition was noticed for the first time at the age of 12. Still, Hyunjin was no longer a child.

After an once again long research which lasted 52 hours without a break, his doctor and his crew finally had an answer.
Hyunjin's case could not be explained by medicine, at least with the knowledge they have till now.

His case and the difficulty of approaching it didn't get easier, quiet the opposite, once again. There were many combinations. There were different types of medications that could be given to a patient with an underlying syndrome, however Hyunjin wasn't in this category. The surgery was the safest option, but as a doctor he should inform him patient about his options and the potential risks. And that's what he did.

Hyunjin once again heard his phone ring in the middle of the night. This time however he wasn't that stupid. He wore his thick jumper and a jacket among with a pair of sneakers and got out of the dorm near a Cafe, open 24/7.

Soon while Hyunjin was drinking his chamomile, another man around the age of 40 came by with an envelope on his hands.
Hyunjin could see the tiredness of the man behind those sunken eyes and dark circles.
His shoulders were almost touching the ground and he seemed drained of any form of energy. Hyunjin was the first to talk.

"Hello doctor. Do you have any news? Any options?"

"Hyunjin... as we knew you have not an underlying syndrome. At least not a known one anyways."

"Does this mean...?"

"No, I found medication b-"

"Thank you!"

"But- it has many side effects. It was given to some people around your age with the same problem, however they soon did the surgery as the side effects could not been handled. "

"When you say side effects what do you mean?"

"It depends. If you agree on the medication, the combinations will differ. You will have for sure propafenone and maybe flecainide.
Both have some common side effects like dizziness, blurry vision, problems focusing, shaking, tiredness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, chest pain. Propafenone how ever has some other side effects more severe like ventricular arrhythmias, even if they are meant to treat them, bruising on the skin, muscle tremors, unwilling movements of your body, even kidney failure and coughing up blood. You may also experience nightmares, depression, indigestion and loss of appetite, neck pains, hair loss, memory loss, numbness, general pains, difficulty sleeping, loss of skin color, as i said before loss of muscle coordination, nosebleeds, heart attack, death. I think I've said the most."

"And about the surgery?"

"Look, when we talk about a surgery we consider two options. One is to find the part of the heart that causes your arrhythmias and try to 'fix' it. The other is to give you an implantable defibrillator. But before everything we have to make sure you are able to have such a surgery at the time being, from every aspect. Psychologically and physically. It would be better for you to have a surgery if I'm being honest, but that is my point of you. Something like this could unable you from doing what you love and I can't take it from you. Not when you can win some more time. You may not experience any of the side effects at the end or all of them, we don't know till you try.The surgery could damage you forever or kill you. The risks are the same either way."

"I- I need to think about it."

"I know. I'm not here to pressure you to take a decision. These are information about everything. Make sure to study them, talk it out with other people you trust and love, you can even call me not just as your doctor but as family Hyunjin. I know it's hard, I will try my best, I won't let you die."

"Doctor... I'm more than thankful. You are like a father to me since I lost him. You've been there for me since I remember, thank you for dedicating your whole life to save me."

After leaving the cafe,
Hyunjin confused and somewhat sad made a phone call to someone he hadn't talked to for years, but it was time for him to make up for all those lost moments and his mistakes. He should let go of his ego.

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