Chapter 6 - Picnics and Panic

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I checked myself out in the mirror one last time and headed for my car. I was leaving a little early to ensure that I wouldn't be late this time due to traffic. I was feeling so anxious, I couldn't seem to calm myself down. This was the longest hour drive of my life, I just wanted to hurry up and be there. The anticipation was so strong, I wanted desperately to see his adorable face again, to hear his laugh and to see his smile. My heart didn't slow throughout the entire drive.

Finally, I arrived and pulled into the parking lot outside of the park. I dug my phone out of my purse and checked it. It had dinged about 5 minutes ago, but I don't check my phone while driving. "I am under the tree, by the bridge to the right." Yoongi beat me here again. 'Dang it!' I said under my breath. I was making him wait on me again. I started walking towards the thin creek that ran through the middle of the park. I looked by the bridge that crossed over the creek and I saw a red plaid blanket under a tree. Yoongi was sitting there, legs straight out, leaned back on his hands looking up at the clouds. It was the single cutest scene I'd ever seen. It looked like it was out of one of their music videos.

I walked over towards him, he greeted me with a smile when he saw me. He seemed happier today, I noticed it instantly. He looked so amazing today. He had on black skinny jeans, sandals, and a blue button up with an interesting pattern on it with a white ball cap. Honestly, no one looked better in a ball cap then Yoongi. I gave him a small, awkward wave. "Hello Mr. Min." I was trying to keep my cool, but this whole set up he had here screamed 'date.' There was a romantic plaid blanket under a tree and bags of food beside him. 'Was this a date?' I asked myself. "Hey. It is good to see you." He replied to me, and smirked. He looked me up and down. "You look nice." My face burst into tomato mode. Suddenly I was too hot for my cardigan.

                Sitting down, legs crossed Indian-style I sat beside him

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Sitting down, legs crossed Indian-style I sat beside him. "So, a picnic?" I asked him. Yoongi nodded, "it's such a nice day, why not?" I looked around, there wasn't a ton of people, but more than I would have liked. I saw Big Hit staff sitting and watching us about 50 yards away. "It is a nice day," I finally said. "What about fans though? Won't someone bother us?" Yoongi reached down and picked up some sunglasses, he put them on. "It will be fine, stop worrying. The staff is watching over me." He nodded to their direction.

I looked over at the men. With a perplexed look on my face, I asked him a good question. "Yeah, about the staff, what do they think about you hanging out with me?" Yoongi looked at me and scrunched his nose. While smirking he said, "They think you're my cousin." I busted out laughing. Okay, that answered all my questions. He doesn't see me romantically. So, what is all this? Why would he kiss me then? "Oh really?" I shoved him lightly by the shoulder. He winced and then grinned at me. I immediately gasped. "Oh my god, I am so sorry! Your shoulder! Please forgive me!" I was practically yelling. I guess Yoongi found the shocked look on my face amusing because he started chuckling, his shoulders bouncing up and down. "It's okay, it did not hurt that badly."

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