Fifty-four | Reagan

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 "Reagan." Remy tries to get my attention. "Reagan..." She comes towards me with a laugh but I continue to ignore her. Suddenly she slaps me across the face, making my head whip to the side. "You need to quit being so damn stubborn." She seeths, forcing me to look at her.

I rip her hand off, throwing it at her side. "Don't touch me." I'm honestly shocked she hit me.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm just so frustrated." She chuckles, letting out a rigged sigh to calm herself down. "The way you ignore me just makes me so mad." She says in a crazy tone. "If you didn't, you wouldn't have gotten hurt." She cups my cheek. Manipulative bitch.

I flinch away and scowl. "I don't understand why you think me coming to these meetings is doing you guys any good. I am not going to help you, I am not going to betray Alonzo." I spit confidently.

Another slap delivered onto my cheek. "Oh my gosh, there you go again." She signals to her hand and does a fake slap onto my face making me flinch. "Whenever you say something smart, I can't help but slap you." She and the rest of the room chuckles.

I want to strangle her. "You are being such a hypocrite!" I shout. "God. It's so damn annoying! All you do is complain about Nico yet here you are, acting just like him." I spit.

Flashbacks to when I accused Alonzo of the same thing pop up in my memories. He was so angry with me, so hurt that I said that. I said it to him because I was angry at him, fueled by emotions. But just now, it felt right that I said it.

Remy lunges at me, swatting her fists at me and hitting me like crazy until Matteo pulls her off. "Baby, as much as I'd love to watch you beat her until your heart's content... we can't. Not yet." He grabs her waist and pulls her towards the door. She struggles in his arms, kicking and screaming until she is out of sight.

"What the hell was that." I mutter, almost laughing.

Not even acknowledging the other people in the room, I stand up and walk right out the door. I wonder frankly because I am lost until I finally get to my room. On the way, I took a mental note of the grounds of the place. Good to know.

Back at the mansion, Remy was normal, so kind to me and just a natural person. Her and I clicked so quickly. I was so thankful to have met her. But here, she has turned into something crazy. She is like a psychotic crazed maniac. Now that she is free of Nico, her true colors have brought themselves out.

I'm terrified she is going to completely unleash and kill me. God I have to get out of here. I am sick and tired of being scared all the time. If it wasn't so in love with Alonzo, I'd be wishing to just go back to Michigan with my parents just so I can be happy again in a place where the only thing I should be scared of is the monstrous pot holes in the road.

I'm just so home sick. Sick from missing mom and dad, and sick from missing Alonzo.


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