Sixteen | Alonzo

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I went to take a call from work after seeing Reagan this morning. I can't leave for one week before they are scrambling and struggling to keep the business afloat. I thought it would take at least two weeks before they'd call but one? This occupation is exhausting.

Frustrated with work, I turn my phone off, not caring anymore. Knowing what will semi cheer me up, I make my way back to the deck to mess with Reagan. Expecting to see her in the pool with her book, I am confused when she is nowhere to be seen. Her book is closed on the edge of the pool next to a cup of coffee, abandoned.

There is an unfamiliar feeling of panic that strikes me. What if she drowned? Her bedroom door was open when I passed by empty earlier.

I spot something under the water swimming under the pool and at first glance it looks like a fish, but I see Reagan's long dark hair flow.

What if she gets stuck underneath the boat?

I don't waste time with hesitation. I dive into the salty water, opening my eyes, adjusting to the burn. There is a figure about twenty feet from me and I make my way to her. My eyes stink with the salt, but thankfully, once I get close enough I can see Reagan semi-clearly. Her eyes are shut tight, and her two fore fingers pinch her nose closed. She makes her way up towards the boat. She'll bump her head if she continues to move up. I leap towards her but she disappears into an air pocket. Her thick little legs kick underneath the water, keeping her up.

I make my way closer and swim right up beside her. She screams, pushing me down, probably thinking I'm a fish of some sort.

When I come back up, she locks eyes with me, breathing heavily. "You scared the daylights out of me!" She squeals.

I can't help the smile that spreads over my lips, laughing a little.

"It's not funny!" She protests, struggling to stay above the water, faltering below the surface slightly.

I reach a ledge with my long arms, putting my other arm around her waist, holding her close to me.

She gasps, slightly embarrassed. She squirms slightly, silently murmuring something. Since she wants to be let go so much, I drop her and watch her struggle for a moment before she clings to my abdomen.

I chuckle with her glued to my side, afraid to let go. "I get the feeling you don't know how to swim."

She pierces her lips into a flat line. "I swim just fine."

"Why are you down in here?" I ask her, starting down to intimidate the answer out.

"I-I saw a shell that I liked." Reagan answers.

I raise a brow. "A shell?"

She nods her head. "I dropped it when you scared me." Reagan states defensively.

"Is that so?" I hold back a laugh.

"Yeah!" She protests.

The bottom is mostly sand, so if I went under, I'd be able to grab her souvenir.

I pull her one arm off me, she resists slightly but lets me pull her arm up and latch it onto the ledge. She holds herself up, pulling her other hand up as well.

I suck in a breath before falling g beneath the surface, opening my eyes to the stinging sensation. I take a moment to adjust before searching for the shell.

I don't understand why I'm looking for a shell some girl lost. I don't know why I panicked thinking she was going to drown. Why would I care? But something in me is telling me to care for this woman who is my wife, whether she likes it or not. Whether I liked it or not.

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