Chapter 41- Seńor Prank Day

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^^(They didn't put a font on my "ń" this feels racially motivated

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^^(They didn't put a font on my "ń" this feels racially motivated.🙄🤚🏽)

I wish Nico had been the one I shared physics with ... then I wouldn't have to sit here with boring, grumpy, no sense of humor, stick up his ass Duncan Smith.

This class was a little more on the wild side (not my fault, I am an absolute angel in this class) so our teacher paired everyone with a partner herself, leaving me stuck with Duncan Donuts.

When we were done with our work though, we practically had to just sit there in awkward silence while the rest of the class finished up. I hated awkward silences.

"So," I started. "you ready for the game on Friday?"

I also hated small talk. But I think I hated awkward silences even more, so much so that I was desperate enough to strike up a conversation. I was more than likely to regret this. I don't even know why I opened my mouth in the first place.

"Obviously," He said in a short-clipped tone, without raising his head from his phone.

"Confident. Bet that makes you a good team leader."

He looked up at me at that. No emotion whatsoever, only the slight raise of his brows. And then he dropped his head back to his phone without replying.

I don't know, I found it kind of funny. I was most likely bothering him, and that was kind of fun.

"So do you like donuts?" I asked, forcing myself to keep a smile from forming.

He glared at me then. "No."

"Oh, that's a shame."

"No, It's not." He went back to his phone.

"Yeah, I don't know. Something about being here... like something about, I don't know the vibes? ... Makes me want an iced coffee. Funny right?"

He glared at me again, clearly finding this very unfunny.

"What?" I let a smile slip. "I'm just messing with you. Having a little fun? You ever tried it before?"

"Only with people I like spending my time with."

"Ouch," I let out a breath of laughter. He went back to his phone without another word.

"Hey, you remember that one time you were being an ass during practice and I kicked that soccer ball so hard and it landed straight in your-"

"Oh my god, shut up."

I decided to stop there, not bothering to hide my smile any longer, but letting him scroll through his phone in peace.


"FINALLLLLLYYYYYY!" Boomed Adam when we all pulled up the school.

It was senior prank time. We had talked to a lot of other seniors about ideas and help for setting up. This included the entire soccer team, who talked to their other senior friends, so the turn out for helpers actually turned out pretty decent.

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