Chapter 14- I Think I Might

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"Rowena, you can't just go around calling ladies grimy old hags

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"Rowena, you can't just go around calling ladies grimy old hags."

"I can and I'll do it how many times I think it's necessary. I didn't like the way she was looking at you Cyrus. She was probably a racist old goon who's still stuck in her ways of the fifties."

"And I appreciate you, you know I do. But you do realize that you're more bothered about this than I am?"

"I guess," I grumbled after a moment of contemplation.

We had left early before school to stop by a donut shop. There she was, sitting in her little corner with her glare glued on the back of Cyrus's head. He was ordering for us, so he didn't see her when I did.

I knew exactly what that look meant. She was judging him for the color of his skin. And maybe Cyrus wouldn't throw hands with an old person or a lady, but I most certainly would.

"Row she was so old, lonely, and falling apart anyway. Let her shrivel up in peace."

"Okayyy," I whined, "Okay. I'll drop it as long as you're not bothered."

That was the thing about Cyrus. He was a loyal friend and wouldn't hesitate to back me up when I needed him and he had no trouble defending himself either. But he was also respectful as hell when it came to ladies and old people.

So, he didn't allow crusty raisin lady from the donut shop to faze him. Good for him, but I was ready to throw hands until he dragged me out of the shop.

"Here, have a donut hole, it'll make you feel better." He held out the bag for me and I took it as we entered the school doors.

"Man, we should do this more often," I said, popping a second donut hole into my mouth.

"We would if you actually learned how to wake up on time." I rolled my eyes as I passed him the bag and we walked to our lockers to get our things for class.

"So, have you guys been thinking about senior prank plans?" Adam said appearing suddenly behind us.

"You guys do that at this school?" I asked in awe. This was a chance for me to act up without being singularly blamed for it.

"Yeah, you didn't at your old school?"

"Our last senior prank happened in 2017," Cyrus said.

"Technically it wasn't the senior prank," I interjected, grabbing the bag of donuts back and splitting the last one with Adam.

"Right, it was one kid frustrated with one teacher, so he put laxative in Mr. Field's coffee creamer, not knowing he shared that creamer with like... half of the staff."

"Yeah, and the dumbass did it during senior prank season and got the tradition banned."

"So, we steer clear of laxatives. Got it," Adam said with a reassuring grin and stuck a thumb in the air before taking a bite of his donut.

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