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The only thing that was preventing Jangmi from collapsing any second was the firm hold of her father, who kept her supported as they proceeded through the aisle. 

Her eyes flitted around the room that had been decorated magnificently, floral wreaths illuminating what was supposed to be a dismal occasion. 

The silk material of the girl's hanbok elegantly trailed behind her, and the Choi female glanced at the empty pews that only provided a seat for very few. On her left was her mother, whose eyes resembled that of heartache and stars at the sight of her stunning daughter. On her right, the boys were all dressed in their most exquisite robes, softly smiling and providing reassuring expressions to the girl.

Soon enough, they had reached the alter, and Seomin looked at his daughter with longing. In one way, he had failed to protect her, but there was no more that he could do. 

"Shine my little moon," He whispered, before pressing a kiss on her cheek, and the girl did not fail to notice the tears that sprung to his eyes. Before he left, he directed a bow towards the Emperor, who merely tipped his head.

"Well," The priest began, although, one couldn't ignore the trembling in his voice. "Let us begin,"

The priest spoke for barely ten minutes, and it had seemed that the Emperor had skipped the traditions of a royal wedding. He was not doing this to please the officials, so he found no need to follow the rules.

"Now, do you, Emperor Min Yoongi take Choi Jangmi to be your wife?"

"I do,"

The Min's voice was cold, clear, no hesitation, but Jangmi knew that it was not out of love or care for her. He just wanted the unification done and over with.

"And do you, Choi Jangmi, take Emperor Min Yoongi as your husband?"

Bile rised up her throat as she fully addressed the question and the future Empress struggled to answer before she finally found her voice.

"I do," It came out quiet, silently almost, as though she herself was fearing this marriage.

After all, that was the truth.

"Then by the Grace of God," The priest smiled. "You are now husband and wife. You may kiss the bride,"

The officiator directed a pitful expression towards the Choi girl praying in his thoughts that hopefully, this sweet, poor girl would not be tortured by the monster who was the Emperor.

Yoongi's dark eyes scanned Jangmi, staring deeply at her, whilst she did the same. Despite his cruelty towards her ever since she had arrived, she had to admit that he looked so handsome with his hair pushed back, and the scar that marked his features made him look both further terrifying, but strangely enticing.

His hand lifted, bringing her face closer to his, and the female could not explain the odd feeling that danced through her stomach.

Her eyes fluttered shut as she felt his lips on hers, and the first thing that ran through her mind was that the Emperor's lips were so, very soft.

The contact lasted for a few seconds, before he pulled away and the tinge of pink on Jangmi's cheeks did not fade away as the boys laughed, teasing their friends.

But as she matched the royal's eye contact and lost herself within, she could see the slightest remorse, apology in his onyx pupils.

He did feel sad for her.

"Yoongi's first kiss, check!" Jin gushed. "This is one for the history books!"

The expression on Yoongi's face dropped as he glared at the older boy. "That was not my first kiss!"

"No way!" Jungkook gasped, his eyes widened. "There's no way that wasn't your first kiss! You avoid the other sex like they're the plague!"

"Out of the way! Welcome the the royal household, Jangmi!" Hoseok punched his fists into the air, grabbing the girl in for a hug. 

"Thank you, Hoseok-ah," The Choi smiled softly as her parents and the boys all crowded around the new married couple.

A family that consisted of many things.

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