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"And your daughter, she is of age to marry, is she not?"

The said girl flinched at the words, her heart pounding at the thought. She knew her father would never give her away like that, but even still...

"She is, but it's my responsibility to get her wed, is it not?" Choi Seomin raised an eyebrow, his tone slightly more colder than before. "I will decide when she gets married, not you, Daehan,"

Daehan shrunk at the older man's warning, before standing to take his leave. "Ah, yes, well, I'll leave you to it then,"

He bowed at the Choi, and exited the house, multiple sighs of relief echoing throughout the room.

"I never liked him," Haneul, Jangmi's mother, commented as she sat down. "He was always so nosy and improper in others' businesses,"

"I'm not too fond of him either," Seomin agreed, his eyes falling to his one and only child. "But what he argues is the truth. Jangmi has reached the age of marriage,"

"The villagers will start talking if we don't wed her soon!" Haneul added as though Jangmi wasn't in the room, the said girl frowning at the idea. 

"Nari is the same age as me, and even she isn't married yet!"

"Cha Nari is from a nobleman's family," Her father answered. "Her parents can wed her to man who is flithy rich. We on the other hand..."

Jangmi tilted her head, approaching her father as she pressed a kiss upon his cheek. "Don't say such things. Mother and I have always been happy with what we've had, isn't that right?"

"Yes dear," Haneul said softly. "This house, the things we have, they are all blessings that are a result from your hard work. We don't need Jangmi to wed a man who's richer than the entirety of the kingdom. As long as he respects his elders and our daughter, then I'm happy,"

The Choi man smiled, sadness tinting his expression, but neither his wife or daughter noticed it as they continued to talk. 

"We have everything that we need, Father," Jangmi smiled. "And that's more than enough,"


"I heard that Namjoon's ordered you to get married. Have you thought about whom to marry yet?"

The training room was perhaps Yoongi's most favourite room in the entire palace. Even as a young boy, he would sneak away from his tutor and slip into the chambers where the greatest soldiers in the kingdom would combat, moving like the wind as each tried not to be humiliated in front of their friends.

He had loved it.

So he was no exception when he had demanded to be taught the art of swordsmanship and how to battle, becoming the master of warfare just like his father had once been. It wasn't rare for the Emperor to practice his skills every now and again, but he mostly did it, when he felt angry, frustrated.

"Oops," Yoongi smirked as a sliver of blood emerged from Jeon Jungkook's bicep, the younger of the two rolling his eyes at the monarch's attitude.

"You did that on purpose,"

"Maybe. Clean it up, before it gets an infection. Come on,"

Dropping their swords the two sat upon the bench, Yoongi himself cleaning Jungkook's scratch, before wrapping it up with a bandage.

"You didn't answer my question," The Jeon boy grinned, his smile resembling that of a happy bunny. "Have you thought about the bride yet?"

"Why don't you give me some names?" The Emperor tightened the bandage. "After all, almost all the girls in the kingdom admire you, international playboy,"

The boy shivered at the name. "They all flirt with me and I don't even understand it. I'm just going to get my groceries and they're all winking and smiling and giggling,"

A small smile made its way onto the Emperor's lips as the Jeon continued to ramble on about his confusion.

"Well," He said, returning to the subject. "I bet Namjoon has a list of all the noblemen's daughters. Just choose one of them,"

"I don't like them,"

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "You don't like anyone," He hummed, trying to think of an idea before his doe eyes lit up. "I know! You could throw a ball! Invite all the ladies in the kingdom and choose the one that you like from there!"

Yoongi narrowed his eyes. "What? Like from that story? And what if I don't like any of them?"

The Jeon stood up, grinning. "There'll be someone for you out there, Yoongi, I just know it,"

"You sound like I have a pathetic single life. I'll have you know that I'm the Emperor- "

Yoongi glanced around at the empty chambers. Jungkook was gone.

"That little rabbit," He grumbled. "I swear he's just as bad as Jin,"

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