Chapter 18

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Rose's P.O.V

After eating, I went back to my room and stayed in my bed. I had to stay home while Ryan and David went to college. Dylan and Elijah stayed with me but all I wanted to do was go out.

Staying in a close room suffocates me, especially with people inside. I want to go outside, smell the fresh air, which is quite less but still. It makes me feel good and relieves my stress. It makes me forget all my worries and makes me want to leave everything behind and live my life.

Both of them took care of me the whole day while I just either ate food or read books or played games or slept. Usually, that was normal for me to eat and sleep besides studying for a while, but today, I just wanted to leave this mansion and go somewhere far from this place.


The next day

I changed into a random outfit that I found in my closet and was now brushing my hair while staring at my reflection in the mirror as it stared back at me with cold, blue eyes. People used to say I had beautiful eyes, while some envied them, and I would often hear them talking about how I didn't deserve such eyes, and how they would like to snatch them out. It was quite creepy to hear for me back when I was younger, so creepy that I would often wear spectacles or sunglasses while going out, which I rarely did, unless I had to meet up with someone, particularly Elijah.

Elijah had left last night before dinner. He didn't eat anything the whole day, even after me telling him to, he didn't listen and just made sure I ate properly and was fine.

After I was done with myself, I left the room and went downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning." All of them were already gathered at the table and greeted me as soon as I was inside but I didn't greet them back, as usual and sat down.

Everyone was silent the whole time. After eating, we all left for college.

"You're coming with us in the car, right?" David asked, a bit of hope in his tone, which I wanted to crush.

"No." I replied and continued walking out the gates and soon, they joined me, saying they wanted to stay with me today to make sure I was fine and wouldn't face any problems, one of which was their presence.


"Good morning, Rose. Where were you yesterday? We were worried." Theo said as him and Tyler approached me, worry evident on their faces.

"A little busy." I said and now these two also started following me, adding to my irritation.

Honestly, either they don't have anything else to do, or they're obsessed with me.

I started walking faster so that I could get rid of all of them but they kept following me until I had enough and turned around to face them.

"Stop following me, unless you want to come and die with me, because I have a lot of ways to do so." I told them and they stopped in their tracks, mouths shut, avoiding to say anything, as they knew I would have a comeback ready. I turned back around and went to my first class.


Classes went by normally and I met up with the twins, who were really worried that they almost choked me to death while hugging me, which I didn't mind at all. It'd be better if they had just choked me until my soul slipped out of my body, I would be at peace then.

Right now, during lunch break, I was walking towards the cafeteria and when I entered, I saw the boys, Theo, Tyler, Elijah and the twins, all sitting together, waiting for me, I guess. It surprised me to see them all together, as I hadn't expected any of them to be accompanying each other at lunch, but I guess they all just to annoy me.

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