Chapter 7

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Rose's P.O.V

I reached the college building and entered. Just as I was inside, just like yesterday, people started whispering stuff while looking at me. They wouldn't pay me a single glance if I weren't the Jones' sister, since they are what these people call them, 'Kings'.

I didn't pay much attention and kept walking towards my locker. I got my books and then, entered my first class.


A few hours later, at lunch time, I left the classroom and after putting my books in my locker, I went towards the cafeteria. I was walking through the hallway when I saw two guys in front of me, talking.

They were the same ones I beat up last time. They looked at me and stopped talking.

"Oh, you're the girl from last time." One of them said.

"I'm really impressed by your fighting skills. I didn't know you could fight." He said.

"We're sorry about last time. My face still hurts a lot because of your punches but it was my fault. By the way, I'm Theo and this is my brother, Tyler." The other one told me.

Theo was the one with brown hair and dark brown eyes and Tyler was the one with dirty blonde hair and dark brown eyes.

"No need to be sorry. It's common." I said simply and started walking away.

"Wait. What's your name?" The same guy, Theo asked.

"Rose." I replied and left. I went to the cafeteria and sat down on a table. I didn't eat anything but just sat there to get some rest.


Lunch period was over and I was walking towards my next class when the same guys from before, started walking beside me.

"Hey there. We didn't really talk." Tyler said.

"You're already talking." I said and Theo let out a laugh.

"You're feisty. I like it." Theo said.

"Do you want to hangout with us?" He asked.

"No." I replied.

"But why? We just want to get to know you." Tyler asked.

"There's nothing to know about me." I replied and entered my class.

Unfortunately, both of them and Dylan were in my class. I sat in my usual place and the boys sat on both my sides. Class started but the boys were continuously staring at me and Dylan was looking at them.

Complicated people. I ignored them and closed my eyes, but made sure not to fall asleep.


"That's it for today, class. Have a nice day, everyone." The teacher said and left, soon followed by a group of students, who were eagerly waiting to leave the classroom.

"Which is your next class?" Tyler asked while I was grabbing my stuff. I got up and walked past them without saying anything back.

"She didn't even look at us completely." I heard Theo say before I was out of the classroom.


College had already ended. I left the building and saw the boys talking in the parking lot.

"Hey, loser! Want a ride?" David asked but I just ignored him and left.

I was walking on the footpath when I heard someone blow their car horn behind me. I turned around to see a black car, stopping beside me.

Theo lifted down the glass of his side and looked at me.

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