Good Food with Great Friends

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Hi to all my Hoes out there!!! I am so sorry it has taken me so long to update! Thank you for being so patient while I grieve my father's passing. I read all your messages and your kind words really helped me heal during this painful time.

So, this update is a bit longer than my usual chapters but considering how long you waited for it, I think it's fitting. I know I said that their would be smut in this chapter but it was already so long and I decided to break it up into two chapters. (that's right, I said TWO chapters...stay tuned 😉) I hope you enjoy it! Please drop me a comment when you can. You have no idea how happy they make me!!


The ladies arrived at Hoseok's house and climbed the stairs that led to the porch. Steph raised her hand to knock but Y/N grabbed her arm.

"Wait...please? I... I just... need a minute. Damn it, this is ridiculous! I just spent the afternoon with this man. Why the hell am I so nervous?!?"

Steph turned to look at Y/N and noticed her hands were shaking slightly. She wordlessly pulled her best friend into a hug and spoke softly.

"Of course. Take all the time you need. Try to relax, okay? Just channel that sexy, confident woman that you are."

Steph pulled back and gently cupped Y/N's face in her hands.

"Hoseok already sees you that way, but now you need to believe it yourself."

Y/N took a deep breath and blew it out.

"Okay, I'm ready now. Thanks, mama."

Steph smiled and leaned forward to place a kiss on Y/N's forehead then winked.

"Anytime, chicca."


Yoongi had just finished setting the table when a knock sounded at the door.

Both Mickey and Holly sprang up from their resting spot next to the fireplace and began to bark excitedly, running to the door, then over to Yoongi and back to the door once again. Hoseok shouted to be heard over the happy barking.

"Would you mind getting that, hyung? I'm just plating up the food."

"Sure thing, Seok-ah!"

Yoongi jogged over to the door and gave the dogs a command.

"Boys, sit. Stay."

The two dogs immediately sat and stayed, rooted to the spot. The only movement coming from their furiously, wagging tails.

Yoongi opened the door, a wide, gummy smile spread across his face.

"Hey Yoongi! It's so good to see you again!", Y/N said as she wrapped him in a hug.

"It's good to see you too, Y/N!"

Y/N pulled back and stepped to the side, placing her hand on her best friend's back.

"Yoongi, this is my best friend, Steph. Steph, this is Yoongi."

Yoongi stood unblinking, looking very much like a deer in headlights. His mouth hung open adorably as he was suddenly struck mute. He had honestly forgotten that Y/N's friend was coming to dinner as well and he was definitely not prepared for this!

The woman was striking. The kind of beauty that made all heads turn as soon as she walked into the room. Her skin was a warm, honeyed gold and luminous, as if lit from within. A cloud of inky black hair framed her beautiful face and hung down to just above her waist in sexy waves. She had all the right curves, in all the right places and was a bit taller than him in her heels. It made him feel small but not in a bad way. He couldn't tell what color her eyes were from where he stood but at the moment, they were locked on him with a rather seductive gaze.

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