Chapter 13 - Playing with Fire

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She liked this flirty, playful side to him that she had never gotten to see back in high school. It was a lot different from the angry Axel she was used to back then but now that she knew about what happened to his Dad right before they moved it made sense. She wondered if he still had as bad of a temper as he used to and maybe he was just better at hiding it now.

He finally cleared his throat and pushed off the counter, walking over to the refrigerator and grabbing out a bowl of fruit, sitting it down on the counter beside her.

"Would you like some fruit for dessert? It goes really well with this wine," he asked.

"Sure," she said, reaching for a strawberry at the same time as him and their fingers touched.

She pulled her hand back and her face blushed, as she looked up at him.

"Sorry. You go ahead," she said softly.

He reached out and picked up the strawberry and she watched as he brought it to his lips slowly and bit into it. The juices turned his lips red and wet and she couldn't help but stare and wonder what it would feel like to kiss him again. Memories of her first kiss came back to her and she thought about how he had made her entire body tingle and feel like jello. Still to this day it was the most amazing kiss of her life. She wondered if she kissed him again if it would still feel like that.

The thought of it made her insides ache. This man was her first crush, her first kiss, her first love, the one she still dreamed about at night even after all these years and here she was in his kitchen, so close beside him that she could stand on her tiptoes and kiss him if she wanted to. Just the thought of kissing him, mixed with the smell of his cologne and his deep, sexy voice made the spot between her legs start to tingle.

She slowly reached out and grabbed a strawberry and bit into it and she noticed that his eyes were on her lips too, watching her every movement like a hawk stalking it's prey. She opened her mouth, wrapping her lips around the strawberry and bit into it slowly, tasting the sweetness on her tongue and a little juice ran down her lip. As she licked it off she saw his eyes lock onto her mouth.

She parted her lips slightly and breathed in and out, the silence between them becoming deafening. She slowly looked up into his steel grey eyes and they looked into hers, searching her and she wondered what he was thinking. The intensity of his gaze made her instantly feel shy and vulnerable and she looked away down at her feet. The sexual tension between the two of them was stronger than anything she had ever felt and it was overwhelming and so damn hard to resist.

She felt his hand slide under her chin as he gently lifted it so she would look at him again.

She slowly raised her head and her stomach got butterflies from looking into those steel grey eyes and her heart started to beat faster. She was so tempted to kiss him but the thought terrified her because she knew he was the one man on the earth that had the power to break her completely. That was both thrilling and terrifying at the same time.

She looked up into his eyes as he slowly leaned forward, and her brain was screaming for her to turn her head but she was paralyzed, in a trance from his smell, his handsome face and his charm. She glanced at his lips and then closed her eyes right as they pressed against hers. 

Feeling his soft warm lips on hers made a chill run across her skin that made the hairs on her arms stand up and her whole body tingle. His lips were full and smooth and they moved across hers so slowly that it made her melt as his hand slid up from her neck and pulled the tie out of her hair, letting down her long brown hair .  

Her lips parted, allowing him in and he didn't hesitate. His tongue pushed past her lips rubbing against hers and she felt like she could faint as his arms wrapped around her and pulled her closer, bringing her body against his. 

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