24 ✘ whore couture pt. 1

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ATLAS'S KNUCKLES ARE turning lighter against the steering wheel, his unsettlement clear in his face in the way his jaw tenses.

"You can at least try and act happy, you know?" I hear the irritation in my tone before I feel it, but I guess it's been simmering long enough in this silent car ride sitting next to him and his negative aura.

In a swift movement, keeping his left hand on the steering wheel Atlas faces me. In an instant, all his cold features dissolve, warmness subsides and his lips turn up.

"What, baby?" He acts, playing the role of the loving boyfriend a little too believable.

"Keep your eyes on the road," I instruct, shifting in the seat unsettled at his ability to mask his emotions so effortlessly.

"We'll dance three times," he begins, "I'll probably be seated with Luca so you can just approach me when one of the faster songs is playing and I'll get up. People will be sure to put two and two together after that and some fucking around."

"Fucking around?" I repeat.

"You know, grinding, kissing, shit like that."

My brows knit in confusion at that, my comment from yesterday had not been an invitation. I was just trying to explain to him just how bad sleeping with Cassie was.

Our eyes meet in the rearview mirror and like I've just been burnt I tear my gaze away, humming in agreement.

I'm not going to say anything yet, we'll see how the party plays out. If it comes down to me kissing Atlas to save this 'relationship' of ours, I'm not going to throw a tantrum. After all, a kiss on the lips is hardly damaging in comparison to what the boys did to the girls.

I'll do anything to get revenge, anything to have Natalia avenged.

I always wanted an older sister when I was younger, never a brother — I couldn't deal with being the younger sister to a boy.

My cousin, Natalia, was the closest thing to a sister I could get. When we first came to the country, it was Natalia who introduced me to all her friends. Natalia who made me seem cool to all the freshmen since she was dating a sophomore. Natalia who made sure I got treated right despite my shy self at the beginning of that year.

After all she's done for me, I feel useless when she calls me from the all-girl Catholic boarding school in Spain Tio Sergio and Tia Cristina shipped her off.

"My life is over Nai, Mom doesn't want to talk to me, Dad is disgusted and I don't fit in here," Natalia cries, using the boarding school's phone, since her parents took hers away from her. "I heard about Clairemount and I'm jealous — how fucked up is that?" I won't lie, the words rattle me. Natalia, dead isn't something I'd like to imagine.

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