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Amren Valentino

"The fuck you doing here Victoria?" I snarl at the brunette whom advances slowly towards me.

"Is that how you greet me? I'm wounded" She places a hand on her heart to indicate the imaginary hurt.

"I asked you a question. What are you here for?" My tone threatening, demanding an answer before I lose my temper and decide to throw her out.

"I heard you got married, excuse my bluntness, but what the fuck Am?" An eyebrow of hers quirks up.

"Yes, and it's none of your business" I hiss.

"Well you see Am, it is, because not so long ago it was supposed to be me" She narrows her eyes to slits, her tone accusatory in every aspect.

"That was a long time ago, besides, you cheated on me! Don't ever think I would've taken you back after that"

She takes a few steps, diminishing the space between us. She fishes her hands out to latch onto me, thinking she's got me wrapped around her finger.

"I know, I'm sorry baby, we could forget about the past and start anew, what do you say?" She whispered by my ear while giggling, thinking I'm falling into her trap.

Before I get the chance to push her off of me, demanding my personal space that no one should infiltrate besides if their name starts with Aiyana and fucking ends with Valentino, someone clears their throat by the door.

I turn in my heel and catch the eyes of my wife taking in the messy sight. I immediately push Victoria off of me, wishing I had done it sooner, because certainly now Yana's head must be swirling with unholy thoughts.

She takes a step forward, then another, and another until she's standing beside us. She lifts her head and cocks an eyebrow at Victoria "Hi, you are?"

"Victoria Fuentes" Answers Victoria, taken aback by Yana's calmness, I'm also creeped out by it.

"Nice to meet you Victoria, I'm Aiyana Valentino" She announces mock cheerily, bringing her hand to the collar of my chest, her ring finger on display to the brunette as a clear signaling of whom she is.

"You're the wife?" Victoria's eyes are on the verge of popping off.

"Yes, well I'm this man's wife" She answers in a fake nice tone, before muttering 'not for long though' under her breath.

I cringed in my head, I screwed up. Big time.

"So you can kindly go on and harass other single men, seeing this one is already taken. Right honey?" She asks and turns her head to me.

I see the threatening look in her eyes and gulp. "Exactly" I do agree on the fact that Victoria should leave me alone.

"Well, it was nice meeting you, but we got to go now" Yana threads her hand with mine and as we dart out of the room, her hand tightens on mine inflicting pain.

Surely just a tease of the hell I'll face once we're alone.

We kept with the fake smiles and hand holding all the way to the car, the moment we stepped into the vehicle, it's like I'm poison. She shoves my hand away, wiping her hand on her pants, and scoots to the other side of the car, her head facing the window, furthest away from me.

I rake my hand through my hair "Yana, baby, I swear it's not what it looked like" I try reasoning with her she just huffs and shrugs "Not now"

Clearly she doesn't want anyone snooping in on our conversation, or should I say a fight, so I keep my lips sealed shut, throwing my head back on the headrest sighing loudly for the trouble I'm about to face, deservingly so.


"Yana, what're you doing? You can't just leave. You can't just run away every time something happens. Fuck, talk to me" My voice cracks.

We're in our room, the moment we stepped inside, I thought we'll talk it out as adults, but she just grabbed her pillow and a blanket and was about to leave for the other room. That's when I exploded on her.

"You want to talk it out? Fine!" She yells, slamming the pillow and blanket on the bed and standing up pouncing onto my way.

"I woke up alone in bed, thought you might have had a busy day, so I thought why not surprise him, why not show up to the warehouse and spend some time with him. And I did go, but what I didn't expect is that me showing up unannounced might interrupt whatever you and your girlfriend were doing" She yells, hurt clear on her face.

"I swear it's not like that. I was in fact in a meeting until she interrupted, so I had to figure out what she wanted —"

"Well, isn't it obvious! She wants you!" She yells like it's a basic fact I can't wrap my head around.

"But I don't want her! That's what matters" I say gruffly, hoping it reached her brain.

I take her hands in mine, she tries to free them, while I tighten my grip without making it painful "She might want me or not, but that doesn't matter. You know why? Because the only one I want is you"

Now tears are falling down her cheeks like waterfalls and I wholeheartedly despise the idea that I'm the reason for that.

I shoot out my hands, wiping her tears away "Don't cry, baby" I say in the gentlest voice I can muster, unexpectedly, more tears pool in the corner of her eyes.

"You know what it felt like when I saw her all over you? It hurt, it fucking hurt. All over my body, but especially here" She guides my palm to her heart.

My features soften, realizing how actions do have consequences, and mine have caused her pain and agony.

"I know, I promise it was unintentional, and the last time." My hands grab the sides of her face, implementing my words.

"I don't think I can handle you ever cheating on me" She admits in such a low voice, I think not meant for me to hear, but I heard it anyway.

"Listen to me Yana, yesterday morning you promised me your loyalty, and here I am standing here promising you mine.
As long as I'm alive, you'll have my faithfulness and loyalty. I promise, till forever breaks apart" I deliver my words staring deep into her red puffy eyes.

She nods slowly, as if little by little the words start to make sense to her.

I hug her, and she hugs me back, closing her arms around me tighter, afraid I'm going to slip away.

I squeeze back the same tightness, and she buries her head in my chest taking whiffs of me.



Well well.
We kiss and makeup.

If you're enjoying this story thus far, I'll suggest you try reading my other stories. They're all interesting and you can find them on my page. Enjoy.

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