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Aiyana Valentino

Today when I first woke up, I patted the mattress beside me in search for the heat my husband provided me with every night. Warmth and emotional support, plus a lot of cuddles. We still haven't..

A frown automatically etches my face when after desperate attempts, I came to the realization that he's gone.

The creased sheets and the coldness of their surface testified the more in proving that he's been gone for quite a while.

I hop into the shower rinsing myself quickly and pick out an all black look for the day. You can't go wrong with black.

After blow drying my hair haphazardly, just to tame it in general, I do my makeup just for the fun of it. I feel like going out today.

When I reach downstairs, the rush of people in the kitchen piqued my curiosity, or my stomach to be accurate, and I head there.

One of the maids sees me and offers a smile "Good morning Mrs. Aiyana, want me to bring you breakfast?" She asks with big doe eyes urging me to accept; not that I needed much of that.

The rumbling noise coming from my stomach is an answer on it's own "Sure, I'll be in the dining room" I say and she nods eagerly, her hands working double the speed to finish whatever task she was handling.

Good on her promise, a few minutes later I was served my food which was delicious to no ends. Taking a glance at the wristwatch, I noticed it was almost 11 a.m and I decided that I didn't want to wait till evening in order to see my husband.

I made the decision to go surprise him. He probably had a lot of work on his plate, and I wanted to go there, show him my support, maybe lift his mood a little and cherish him the way he's been doing for me.

Stopping by the mirror hung in the living room, I ruffle my hair more, adding volume to it, while glancing over my outfit. Perfect. I wanted to tease him a little bit, maybe by the end of the night we could take it up a notch from just cuddling and snuggling.

Exiting the house, I glance over to one of the guards "Hey, can you drive me to the warehouse please?" I ask him politely.

"Sure ma'am" He nods and proceeds to the garage to take out a car. A few moments later he parks right near where I'm standing and proceeds to even open my door for me, which I'm capable of doing on my own. "No need, I'm alright" I open the door and slide inside.

The drive can be described as a bit boring, due to the lack of someone's presence, I immerse myself in gaping at the passing scenery of the fifteen minute journey to the warehouse.

After reaching there, I thank Dave, the driver whom chit chatted with me briefly to keep me amused, and told him to go back instead of waiting for me.

I'll probably hail a cab on my way back, or if I'm in any chance lucky, I'll get Ren to ditch whatever business he's handling and go hangout somewhere just the two of us.

I made it inside since the guards all knew who I was; the boss's wife. It's my first time visiting here but it's safe to say it oddly resembles every warehouse in a sci-fi movie. The dark aura of the atmosphere. The smell of chemicals and gunpowder hanging through the air. The asphalt smudged ground. gunned men and women filing in and out of different rooms with broody looks on their faces.

I spot someone familiar, Noah, and thank god that I got to see him, because honestly I know no one here beside him, and I didn't want to approach a stranger asking about the whereabouts of their boss.

"Noah, hey" I let out as I'm near him. His ears jerk up at the realization and he looks slightly taken aback by my sudden presence here.

"Aiyana, hey. Um, what are you doing here? Is something wrong?" He started taking looks as if to see for himself if there's something off but I just chuckled and waved it off.

"No, I just felt bored snd came to see Ren. Do you by chance know where he is right now?" I ask him and I swear his face pales for a moment and a look of horror dances in his eyes before he's back to normal.

"Umm, sure. Follow me" His hand scratches the back of his neck and he takes hesitant steps, me trudging silently behind him.

We passed by different corridors each consisting of different rooms, until we reached a certain room by the end of the hall.

"Well, this is the meeting room. I- I'll leave you to it" His tone almost unsure, he stayed behind for a few moments before making up his mind mentally and stepping away.

I twist the knob and enter the room, excited to meet my husband, but the sight I'm greeted with puts me off entirely.

My eyes freeze at the sight of a blonde gorgeous woman, standing next to my husband, her one hand clad on his chest, the other one on the nape of his neck,  while she whispers something in his ear, giggling loudly.

I make my presence known with a clearing of my throat. Immediately the girl is pushed off of Ren by him, his eyes snap to mine, and he curses loudly knowing he's fucked up. Completely and totally so.

Well, well.
I'm in such a good mood today, I decided to gift you this chapter. :D

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