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𝚃𝚛𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚒 𝚆𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝

Murda sat in his cell staring at the same four walls. He was tired of it all, tired of living and tired of having to be in prison. He wanted to be out, with his siblings, give back to his mom, help his community, but it wasn't so easy.

He hated to admit it, but seeing somebody like Kasiyah from the outside made him a little bit happy.

Three years ago, Murda was stopped with bags of drugs in the back of his car, that sentence would finish in two years or in six months with good behaviour.

What lead to the slim possibility of him ever getting out was the idea that he had killed an officer when a trap house had been raided. It wasn't him and they knew it too, but they needed somebody to pin the murder on so that it wouldn't be a reoccurring story that the family would have to hear.

Murda had given up on lawyers, all they wanted was his money but never did a good job. Since then he never invested his money into one. The last lawyer he had told him the chances of him getting out were so slim that even $100 dollars would lure in any good lawyer because they knew they'd loose.

Tremani, never seen his siblings after they were born. They were taken into care at that very young age because their mother was unfit to take care of all
three of them.

"Inmate 306, get up, grubs ready." said the officer banging on his door.

Tremani got up and got ready to go out to eat. He hated how they referred to him and the other inmates as numbers. He made it his mission to put his street name to good use and hurt or maybe even kill Officer Banner.

Officer Banner was the most hated officer in the prison. He was cruel and dehumanised the men. What he did to them was never spoken about between them but he would torture them continuously for the most littlest things and it made Murda mad.

"Murda you gon eat that." asked Quez as he pointed to his dry oats.

"Nah." he said sliding his plate over to him.

"What's wrong nigga, the suns shining, the oats are oatsing?" asked Herb.

Murda chuckled at what he said. He was right. Herb was Murda's closest friend in here. They had each others back and that was very rare in this prison. Many would fall into fights with their friend after months of friendship but not them. They're were solid.

Herb had seen Murda's case on the prison television and was shocked when he heard that he would be coming to their facility and that was only because it was mainly drug dealers and weirdos in the prison.

"Nah its cool." said Murda resting his head on his arm.

"How's that social worker of yours doing?" he asked.

"She's good."

"How good?" he asked smirking.

"Nigga are you high or some shit, I wouldn't do shit to her if I even had the chance." replied Murda mugging him.

"I respect it, BLM my nigga" he said putting his fist up.

"Herb eat yo damn food mahn." laughed Tremani.

"Inmate 306, stand up, you have to go meet your mistress", said Officer Banner

"Mistress?", retorted Murda.

"Whoever that fine lady in the office is, just go."

"You want me to give her your number" Murda asked smirking.

"Well... yeah why not"

"Yeah she gone love herself a little bit of PC Banner" cooed Murda scrunching the paper as he walked along and putting it in the nearest bin.

number my ass.

Kasiyah sat comfortably waiting on Tremani. She was replying to the guy she had met at the gas station. She learnt his name was Sincere and many other things about him. Once she heard the buzzer go off and seen Tremani walk in, she slipped her phone into her pocket laughing at the message Sincere had sent.

Sincere: that nigga not scary he's in jail, kill him or some shit.

Tremani mugged her and smacked his teeth as he sat in his usual position in his chair.

"What's funny?"

"What does mind your business mean?"

"Kasiyah ion wanna start-

"Ok ok ok I'm sorry, hello Tremani how are you doing today?", said Kasiyah with a tight smile.

"I'm good."

"So you can't ask me how my day was? Rude much."

"No Kasiyah, I just ask that you don't get smart with me today."

"Well, I checked your files and I'm guessing you like a little music so I'm gonna put some on to lighten up the mood." she said getting her phone and seeing Sincere messages.

"Now which nigga has you smiling like that, with yo white ass teeth."

"Awww my teeth white?"

"No they look like shark teeth."

"Imma bite you with them."

"I dare you."

"Tremani don't test my patience, I am not going to be unprofessional."

"You said you was gonna bite me so do it." he said smirking.

Kasiyah didn't want to make all the officers look into the room but with her quick motion she swiftly grabbed his finger and bit it while hearing a crack at the same finger. She didn't worry to much about how dirty his fingers were as his fingers were always neat and sanitised.

"Kasiyah, your funny." He said chuckling deadly.

"Thank you, I know I am I didn-

Kasiyah's words cut short at the tight grip around her neck as she felt his hands cupped around her. He was currently leaning over the table with his elbow placed on the table and his hands over her neck.


"Mhm" she said struggling to breathe.

"Don't fucking play with me Kasiyah, I will chop yo ass in here with all these guards watching right now do not try me." he said with his soft deep voice.

"Mhm." She said rolling her eyes.

This did not phase her at all. She had learnt how to hold her breathe with Aniyah whenever they went swimming and would just dip their heads in water to see who would last longer.

Tremani moved his hands from his neck to hold her face aggressively with his hands around her cheek, making her directly stare at him.

"Kasiyah roll your eyes again. Roll em again."

And she rolled them again.

Kasiyah wanted to laugh because they were so close to each other, it was disgusting. She could smell his cologne and really admired his skin and tattoos.

"Kasiyah Imma give you a reason to roll your eyes, just wait.", he said chuckling, sitting back in his seat.

Killing Me Softly With His SongOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara