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𝙺𝚊𝚜𝚒𝚢𝚊𝚑 𝚁𝚎𝚎𝚍

Kasiyah huffed as her alarm sounded in her room causing her head to bang endlessly. At the thought of having to go meet murda she got up quickly and got ready and went into her kitchen to make some breakfast.

She got dressed into a bodycon tight black dress with a black blazer and heels.

After all was done she made her way to the prison he stayed at while listening to "Jumpin jumpin" by Destiny's child.

Kasiyah was really scared to go see him because she had never done anything like this before. The last time she went to jail was to go visit her older cousin who had a murder charge.

Thad didn't end well as her cousin tried to convince her to bring packets of weed through her bra. Of course she didn't do it for free. He had to pay. A few thousand dollars for a pack was a lot and she enjoyed the money but they got caught.

"Ma'am if you could place your bags on the rail."

"Here is your badge, an officer will be outside the cell for assistance when needed."

Kasiyah took her belongings and headed into the room. It was a dull dark room lit with a single light. To waste time she took out Murda's file and just read over it when a pound bang caught her attention.

Her eyes lay low as she didn't want to look up and from that view she could see dark arms with tattoos and perfectly manicured nails.

Eventually she raised her eyes upwards to meet the cold brown eyes of Murda. He sat with his arm layed out on the metal table as he starred right into her soul. She felt herself getting uncomfortable and hot so she removed her blazer and his eyes roamed around her body as he licked his plump lips.

Kasiyah tried to avoid staring into his eyes, she took in his presence and looked at the neatly placed tattoos around his neck and arms. His small but sure muscles sat on his arms as his hair waved on his head.

"Why do you look so uncomfortable, you don't want to be here?", he said in his low, deep tone causing Kasiyah to snap out of her thoughts.

"I scared you Kasiyah huh?" he chuckled showing his straight white teeth.

"What's your name?" she said a little over a mumble.

"Next question."

"I told you my name so tell me yours"

"I plead the fifth amendment"

"Tremani, your making this harder than it needs to be"

Kasiyah began to wonder why he was being so rude but was so fine at the same time.

"Nice dress." he said using his eyes to travel down her body.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't look at me in that way." she said crossing her legs.

"You know you are so scared and I can tell, so imma make it easier for you. Hurry up."

"So Tremani, how do you feel today?"


"Yes Tremani."

"Kasiyah, it's Murda to you." he said in a stern voice.

"I'm going to call you whatever the hell I want" she said growing irritated.

He just laid back in his seat sighing as he used his hand to brush his waves.

"Erm ok... what do you like doing...in general?" she asked.


"Murda, I do not want to show you what could happen when I get mad so answer my questions so I can get the heck out of here" said Kasiyah.

"I like to smoke weed."

"ok... if you could give me something more practical so your CO doesn't ask me why I'm not taking it further."

"I like to roll a blunt and place weed in it then smoke the weed."

Kasiyah now mugged him, and he stared right back at her with the same bored expression he had on his face.

"Ok...do you have any friends?" she asked playing with the pen in her head.


"Any family you'd like me to send a message to?"


Kasiyah was about to loose it. She didn't know if she was the problem or he was, his attitude was disgusting and she wanted to slap the mug off his face.

"I dare you to slap me." He said leaning forward in his chair to look directly into her eyes.

"Wait what?" She asked confused.

"My attitudes disgusting so slap me."

"Ok can you stop singing my whole life like the freak you are." she mugged. He chuckled in response and returned to his same slouched position.

"Aight i'm done."said Kasiyah packing her stuff into her bag. She did not want to be there anymore.


Kasiyah raised her eyebrow, "huh"

"My name. Tremani."

"I already knew that but it's progress..." she mumbled.

"Kasiyah if your gonna speak say it out loud." he said sternly.

"Erm no." she said mugging him again.

"Kasiyah I will fuck you up, this real life now, you can't hide behind no paper or pen." said Tremani getting closer to her.

"Tremani back up." she said leaning back in her chair.

Slowly but surely he leaned back.


"Yes" she said lowly.

"Come back when your not shy."

"I'm not shy your just rude."

"Kasiyah I'm not rude I just don't like you." he retorted.

"Why do you keep saying my name, and I don't like you either."

"It's the only thing I like about you." he said playing with his fingers in a bored expression.

Kasiyah let a small smile creep onto her face but quickly let it go.

"Well thank you."

"Don't get your hopes up Kasiyah, leave."

"Erm this isn't over" she laughed.

"Your wasting the amount of oxygen I breath. I've been lacking on it ever since I came to see you, Kasiyah." He said staring right into her eyes.

Kasiyah liked the way her name rolled of his tongue. Every time he said it, it sent a chill down her spine. Tremani was so attractive to her but that didn't outweigh his attitude. Tremani liked what he saw but he didn't like her attitude at all.

Their attitude was going to be one big obstacle for them both.

"Before I go, I kindly request that you stop staring into me like that. For one it's disturbing and two if I have nice eyes just say that."

"Kasiyah your eyes look like two plops of shit, don't fucking get smart with me", he replied mugging.

"Officer, we are done here." said Kasiyah collecting her stuff and walking out of the room as Tremani stared a hole right through her and smirked.

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