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Trauma is a feeling no one can explain.
Even I who experience something horrific like that can not say to you how it feels. 
And everyone is different.

We all don't have the same trauma, but its still a trauma you personally went thru.
So please don't judge people and say is a minor trauma.
Feelings are feelings, no matter if you think it wouldn't affect you as a person.

I wish I could save everyone that went thru trauma in life, but I can't.
No matter therapy or other medical things, is something you will always have with you.
Even if you healed from it, it will trigger your memory whenever you see someone else have the same trauma.
And you will experience the same emotions all over again.

like a scar, you can see where you got hurt.
Like trauma, you may heal but it will change you as a person and you will always remember how you felt at the time.

If you have trauma from anything, please dear, take care of yourself.
I care about you.

- A.M🍷

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