Face it till you make it.

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You want to take that 4 year course,
But you feel old for college.

You want to be the best dancer in your
country, but you feel you aren't as good as the other ones.

You want to be your own boss, but you are afraid to start with failures.

You know what?
Rule number one; stop with the buts and just go for it!
Your age doesn't define your skills.
I've seen people from different age groups in different sports, schools and some started being their own bosses at age 25 and some 70.

You are as good as you think you are.
Have you heard that before?
People say you have to fake it until you make it.
But I say; face it till you make it.
Get up everyday and face your fears, your "failure" and face the judgments of others.
Because you will always hear something from someone, no matter how far in life you took yourself to.

Go for it!

- A.M🍷

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