29. Misery

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Several minutes have passed by since you were standing in front of Yoongi's room, trying to build up your courage and knock on the door. Hesitation, guilt and soreness of your heart not allowing you to act on it. You had firmly kept your hand on the door, you weren't expecting but somehow wanted him to know that you were there. You were not ready to face him after what he said a few hours ago but deep down you wanted to be in his arms and cry till the last drop of tear.

Suddenly the door opened. Yoongi was scrolling through his phone, not making him aware that you were standing in front of him. He absent mindedly took a step forward and the distance between you two went from little to none. He sharped moved his gaze to look at you, his eyes weren't like before. The eyes that emitted nothing but warmth were cold, making your heart freeze, your body numb. With the last spec of courage left in you, your hand reached uptil his face trying to touch his cheeks.

He slapped off your hand. You weren't aware that an action of a fraction of second can crush your heart to the level when you feel like losing control of your mind and body. It was so heart breaking that even tears were failing to act up to your pain.

" Go back Y/N. Your presence is bringing me more misery "

He stepped aside and walked passed you. At that moment you were irritated at your whole existence. Your throat was dry, your whole body ached. How do human beings breath ? Your legs started feeling like jelly, unable to hold up your weight, you sat down on the floor. You hugged your knees and buried your face between them. It felt like someone has just sucked out the life from your body.

You don't know for how long you stayed like that but you finally got up. You needed to leave. No matter what others told you, Yoongi's words were more important for you. If your existence was hurting him that much, you could only do one thing about it. You needed to walk out of his house, his life.

Everyone went to their rooms after the hour long discussion, so it was the only time when no one would see you. Because if they do, they won't let you. You booked a cab and sneaked out of their house.

After 15 minutes when you walked inside your dorm, the first thing that you saw was the picture of you and Yoongi.

After 15 minutes when you walked inside your dorm, the first thing that you saw was the picture of you and Yoongi

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You all went on small picnic in the woods behind the cottage about a month ago. Yoongi laid down on the ground to look at the sky from there, pulling you beside him. It was Taehyung who captured the moment candidly, without you both noticing. While your way back, when he showed you that picture, you knew you needed it to be framed. It was put up on the wall by you the very next day.

That photo flooded your head with so many memories. Happy memories. Why things needed to go wrong ? Why ? All these thoughts were tearing up your head. You clutched your hair with both of your hand and started screaming. Sobbing.

You mobile started buzzing.

Incoming Call
My Hope

You didn't answer. He rang up again. You didn't answer it this time as well. But he simply won't give up. After the fifth call, you finally decided to receive it.

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