16. Cookies

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After the Black Outfit Brothers left the store you decided to pick up some stuff for yourself. You had a plan.

You went back home with a bag which had plain flour, caster sugar, a milk carton, butter and chocolate chips.

You tied your hair into a high bun, wore your apron and whispered to yourself,

" Let's bake some cookies for Mr. Tangerines."

Yes, that's what you have been calling him lately. Even though it was extremely silly but you were helpless. He wouldn't give you any nickname of his as well and your name giving skills sucked. It took more than an hour for you to get the perfect batter. You were not really being a pro at baking. Even back at home whenever you were supposed to set up a meal for friends or family it would be Benny who was in charge of baking, you would rather stick to cooking.

Lately, Benny was bit busy, her college exams were near, which kept her occupied for most of the time, at least that's what she said. But you knew she was mad at you for letting Mr. Tangerine get a place in your life. Never before in your life you have done something which she so repeatedly asked you not to do. All the rationality have failed you when it came to him. It was stupid, risky yet blissful.

When you pulled out the baking tray from the oven, the sweet smell of chocolate filled your room. After they cooled down a bit, you picked up one and were about to get a bite when a thought slide in your head. This was the first time you baked something, it was really special if you thought that way and the first person who should taste them must be him.

You took your time and packed some cookies in a small cute tin container with white and red butter paper inside. You weren't really sure about the taste but they looked so freaking good.

Next day when you were ready to leave for work, you put that little tin box with maximus care inside your bag, you couldn't afford to miss out that by any chance.

Your plan was quite simple. You would ask him to take away these cookies baked by you in place of the tangerines and if you would ask him to eat a cookie in front of you, which he surely wouldn't be able to deny, he might open his mask and you could finally get to see his face.

As always, he walked into the store within a minute after your shift started. As he walked up to the counter, his eyes shinning bright as always. You slowly took out the box of cookies and hand it over to him.

He was surprised. He hold the box with both of his hand and stared at you blankly.

" No tangerines for today. You'll have to take these home today."
you smiled ear to ear while saying those words.

He looked at the box and again at you. He shook the box lightly to guess what might be inside it and turning it around in his hand, probably looking for the printed price.

You let a small laugh come out of your mouth and then you held his right arm softly.

" I baked them for you"

His bright eyes glittered a little more after hearing that. He kept his hand over yours, which has holding his arm. His touch was so warm yet made you shiver. He exhaled sharply and the finally spoke,

" Thank you. I don't know what to say but I clearly don't deserve so much,"
his raspy voice had a happy grasp to it.

" Hey! Don't say that. Will you like to taste one right now?"
your excitement clearly visible in your voice.

He opened the box and took a cookie in his hand. You looked at him curiously, waiting early for the moment when he will open his mask and you would get to see the face of the man who has become so much important in your life.

But to your disappointment nothing such happened. He slipped the cookie inside his mouth, sliding it beneath the mask, not making any extra part of his face visible to you. Even though it break your heart momentarily but what he said next made you forget about everything that you had in your head.

" I would die to have something made by you everyday."
his voice intoxicatingly raspy.

" Ahh.. are they good ?"
you had difficulty speaking as you were gulping so loudly.

He didn't say anything but kept looking at you.

After sometime when he walked towards the door to leave, he turned around in midway. He took a deep breath and said,

" Are you free on Saturday ?"

" I don't have college and I have off on weekends so I guess I can say I am free." you replied.

He looked deep into your eyes and with a greater spark in them, he said,

" Then let me take you out on a date."


A/N :

Hey Guys !!

Sorry that this chapter is really tiny. A lot of things are gonna happen in the upcoming chapters so I decided to keep this one short and sweet.

I hope you are liking this story. Do let me know your reviews.

Boreah 💜

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