Altering the Deal

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Your eyes slowly open up after your first peaceful slumber in what felt like ages.

You actually feel... awake, like you can take on the world.

No doubt thanks to the lovely company you're now keeping.

The Princess of Hell herself, Charlie Magne, who is still fast asleep across from you in bed.

She has an adorable little smile on her face as she rests, her body turned on its side and facing you.

She's peacefully sleeping like an angel.

Or, rather, half an angel, since her Dad is Lucifer.

But whatever.

"Morning, beautiful..." you whisper, knowing full well that she can't actually hear you.

You give her a soft kiss on the forehead, yet the Princess does not stir.

Damn, she's a heavy sleeper.

You'll let her get her rest, though. God knows she'll need it today.

You slowly get up and out of bed, making sure that Charlie is fully tucked-in and comfortable before heading out.

Just as you're about to exit the bedroom, you hear Charlie give a weary yawn and say "Good morning, sweetie."

Turning back around, you say "Morning, Charlie. Sleep well?"

"Better than I have in a long time~" she replies.

"Me too..." you say. "I haven't felt this good in forever!"

"Glad to hear it." she smiles.

"Yeah. I was actually heading down to the kitchen for some breakfast. Did you want anything?"

"Sure!" she replies, slowly slipping out of bed. "What do you have?"

You've been trying to save your money a bit since you were laid off, so the food options in your apartment are... somewhat limited.

"Uh... breakfast cereal? And whatever Hell's version of those Eggo waffle things are called."

"Oh, okay!" Charlie says, surprisingly not at all let down by the options you listed. "Waffles sound awesome!"

"Well, it's settled then." you reply, reaching a hand out to her. "Shall we?"

"Hehe, we shall." she giggles, gently taking you by the hand.

The two of you head out to the kitchen to have your waffle breakfast.

Certainly not something from a five-star restaurant or even the hotel, but at least it makes Charlie happy.

Maybe she's just happy that she gets to spend the morning with you, without having to worry about work.

And... you know who showing up later on today.

Your shift isn't scheduled to start until 10 o'clock, so you were able to take your time getting ready, and enjoy the morning with Charlie.

After breakfast, you both took a quick shower and put on your work apparel.

After your first day at work, seeing what everyone else was wearing, you decided that you didn't really need to be super dressed up and über-formal to every shift.

So, a casual button-up shirt and jeans usually seemed to suffice.

Charlie has on her usual getup: white button-up shirt, black pants and a bright red blazer jacket.

Meeting Charlie - Hazbin Hotel x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now