The First Guest

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After a shift which mostly consisted of cleaning up the few areas around the hotel Niffty hadn't gotten to yet, you sat down and had yourself some lunch in the hotel's dining room.

Nothing special. Just a bag of chips from one of the nearby vending machines.

You probably would've brought yourself a sandwich or something from home, but you weren't expecting to be hired this quickly. Literally the day you went to apply here.

So, you obviously didn't feel the need to make yourself one.

The dining room is completely empty, devoid of all the hustle and bustle you'd expect from a hotel and all its guests.

As you munch on your potato chips in relative silence, you notice the door behind you gently swing open.

"So, how's our new hire doing?" you hear Charlie's typical upbeat and chipper voice ask.

"I'm fine Princess, thanks for asking." you reply.

She sits down in the empty chair across from you, placing a small brown paper bag on the table.

"Glad to hear it!" she smiles. "Is it okay if I have my lunch here with you?"

Her question catches you off guard.

Are you... having a lunch date with the Princess?

Whoa, easy there, (Y/N). You're looking way too deeply into this.

Not to mention taking things way too fast.

"Uh... yeah, sure!" you respond.

She gives you an adorable happy smile in response. "Thanks, (Y/N)!"

Opening up the paper bag, she pulls out a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

She takes a bite of her sandwich, before saying "So... you're a human. That's kinda cool."

"Yep." you reply. "No idea how that happened, since it seems like literally everyone else down here is, well... a demon."

"Well, this is Hell, so that's to be expected." she chuckles. "But I gotta say, I've never seen an actual human down here. Kinda weird!"

"Yeah, I was picked on a lot when I first showed up because of that." you reply. "A couple dickheads actually tried stealing my lunch money like ten minutes after I died."

"But if you just showed up, you probably wouldn't have any money on you to begin with, right?" she asks.

You sigh. "Exactly. But they just beat the shit out of me anyway."

Charlie gives you a saddened expression. "I'm sorry, (Y/N). No one should have to go through that..."

"It's fine..." you reply. "It happened a while ago. I've made some friends since then and even have a place of my own now, so it's not all bad."

"That's good to hear!" she smiles again. "I'm glad you were able to get over it."

Giving her a small laugh in response, you say "You and me both."

You notice her eyes slowly drift down toward the table, more specifically your hand which is resting on it.

She gently places her hand on top of your own, before looking into your eyes with a soft, caring expression.

"I... think I kind of know where you're coming from." she quietly says. "This whole idea, the hotel... everyone thought it was just a big fucking joke."

With a downtrodden expression, she looks down toward the table and continues. "I just... wanted to give my people a chance at redemption. A way for them to escape all the fire and pain down here and move on. And I was mocked because of it."

Meeting Charlie - Hazbin Hotel x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now