chapter 121

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Sadhvi's pov:

I deep slumber broke as I heard the sounds of someone doing work......

I opened my groggy eyes and looked at the was 8.
I immediately sat up and rubbed my eyes before getting out of bed.
I looked to see Siddarth is there but it looks like he gone for his working out.
I ran to washroom did my morning chores and freshened up. I changed my clothes as I have wore pyjamas last night. Honestly I don't feel comfortable roaming around in pyjamas when there are many people. Even if we four are the only family members rightnow there are many servants.....
I wish Priya comes home too. We both can gossip about many things.

I walked out of our bedroom to see a woman almost in her 40s dusting the figurine placed over there. As soon as she saw me she was frightened. I can guess it from her demeanor.
"Sorry mam to woke you up.....please don't be angry." She said timidly
I frowned and said
"Aunty it is ok....and you don't have to be so formal with can call me Sadhvi may be if you are comfortable...." I said.

She nodded.
"Are you new here aunty I have never seen you before?" I asked her my doubt.

"Yes....I just joined today." She said.
I think she still isn't feeling free talking to me so I left from there.

I directly went to kitchen to help mom as I know she never takes help from any one other than me.
As I entered kitchen mom was preparing batter for Dosa."Good morning beta" mom said while giving a genuine smile to me.

I smiled in return and said
"Good morning mom....let me help you in this work."
"No need just eat Dosa.
"I like helping you mom....." I said while making a puppy face...seeing which mom couldn't reject.
I smiled in victory....and made juice and coffee for breakfast.
After doing everything we both arranged the table before mom said
"Sadhvi go and call Siddarth..."
"Mom he was not in room when I woke up." I said.
"Yeah.....he is in the gym. The farthest one in second floor...." She said pointing towards the right direction.
I nodded and left from there.
I climbed the energy was completely drained as I was finally  on the second floor. I took slow steps towards the gym room.

I opened the door slowly and entered the room which appears so huge.
I looked around to find many is really a gym. I just thought that it was a place of workout...but here it is a fully organised
I went further inside to find his silhouette on the corner.
"Siddarth...." I called out. He instantly turned towards me with a huge dumbbell in his right hand.

I was moving in his direction the whole time but I stopped in my tracks when he turned towards me.
I gulped looking at those prominent and bulged biceps.......
'They are so huge....'i thought.

He kept them on the nearby table and came towards me.
Now I can see him properly......his black vest was loosely hanging on his body.
The sweat was dripping from his body making his vest wet and it was sticking to him like second skin.
I bit my lips as I looked at his firm chest and them his abs.

'He is like a Greek god walking around.....making my heart tachycardiac. What if I die from this???' I was thinking.

I was brought to world when I heard a throat clearing sound.
I shook my head as I stared at Siddarth who was standing a step away from me.
From here his muscles are looking even.........
Ahem.....process your thought Sadhvi. I said to myself as I muttered
"Mom is calling you for breakfast."
But without even waiting for his response I ran away from there as I cannot trust my rising hormones right now.

I was heaving when I was in dining room.
"What happened Sadhvi....are you alright?? Why were you running??" Mom asked me with concern.
I just sat on my chair after taking few breathes I replied
" I am fine mom....I...I was casually running."
She frowned at my words but thankfully she didn't questioned me further.

'Even I can't believe my words....I wonder how mom did?
Or else what would I said? I was running after seeing her breathtaking son's body???....No No.' I shook my head trying to take all my thought away from Siddarth.

Dad came there just now....I stood and wished him good morning.
"Sadhvi.....I know you respect me but you are my daughter so there is no need to get up." He said as he took his usual place.

After nearly five minutes of waiting Siddarth came there......he was now wearing a t-shirt thankfully.
I served for all and for myself.
After having breakfast Dad left for his work.

I directly went to room as I wanted to talk with my friends.
As I sat on sofa I grabbed my mobile ringing up Geetha.
She kept the conference call for the other two.
We were laughing at akki's stupid antics........
Suddenly the door opened....I looked to see who came instinctively only to find Siddarth.
I sat properly as I don't want him to see me sitting with one leg on couch and other on the table Infront.It was so unlady like....I just hope he didn't saw me like that.

He quickly went to closet before giving a glance at me. I squirmed in my place before I ignored his gaze and continued talking with my friends.

I said the whole scenario that happened at my home to my friends.They were concerned at me as well as angry at my parents and Ria.
I assured them that I am fine. But they were not listening to Akki was continuously scolding ria for sending the pictures to my home.
Finally after much persuading they all were assured that I am completely fine.
I really am....other than the fact that my parents don't trust me.....there was nothing paining me.

Anyways I shook away all those thoughts as I saw Siddarth who came out after his shower just in his track pants.

My eyes widened looked at his bare chest.
Gosh!!!!!! I mentally exclaimed.
My eyes never left his body as I continued checking him out shamelessly.

"Sadhvi..." Hearing his voice I raised my eyes which met his.

"Why were you ignoring me in the morning?" He asked.

"I....I didn't ignored you." I said but my heart beat was rising for the everystep he took towards me.
It will jump from my throat if this situation continues for longer time.

"Then why did you ran away???" He questioned me sitting so close to me. Our legs are touching others.
I slightly moved back.... sensing me moving away his brows furrowed.

"Why is this??" He asked with a raised brow.
"I...I...why don't you wear something first???" I said....atleast then I can properly concerntrate on the other thing rather than his abs which were droolworthy.

He smirked before saying" what if I don't?? I am comfortable this way??"

"But I am not...." I exclaimed.

He chuckled before saying
"Ok my fiesty lady.....I think now I can understand the reason you ran away."

He went to closet not before giving a loopsided grin at me.

Argh!!! He caught is so embarrassing.
I ran away again before even he could come out as I am too shy right now to face him.

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