chapter 33

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Sadhvi's pov:

After bidding farewell with priya, I literally dragged my friends out of the dining room not wanting any more complications than it already was.

I think I have to open up about my relationship quickly before a third person comes and reveals it to my friends.

I can feel the scrutinizing gaze of Swapna and Akhila but I tried to ignore them.
I just kept on walking to the hostel room.

As we have left our bags in room..... We all went and picked up our bags and left for the college.

We walked to the college..... As we reached our new class..... We saw crowd gathered around our class.

I frowned not knowing what was happening there....

As usually my over enthusiastic friends left me and ran towards the crowd.

I just stood there..... As I know I won't have anything to do even if I go there... And also I am not much interested in others problems.... I have enough for myself in my life.

As I looked at crowd I observed that it was not any fight but all are seeing the notice board displayed beside the door. May be college management came up with a new notice....

I really hate those things.... All they say mostly is about completing works and submitting them..... As if we are sitting calm daily. Even if we write the records it will be far away from completing. They are just never ending.

I was mentally groaning when my friends came back. They look sad.....

"What happened guys? Why are you all looking as if you lost your life?"I questioned them..... Hoping not to say any bad news...

"We can't sit together anymore.... "Akki said.

"What.... I mean why.... "I exclaimed.

Geetha said"As many students are giving proxies to others... College management decided that students should have the seating arrangements according to their respective roll no. s"

I grimaced at the thought of not sitting with them..... I will be bored to death without them.
I mean even  if we sit according to roll no.s Geetha and me can sit together.
Mine and Geetha's surname starts with S....

Only Akhila and Swapna will be apart. How I will miss the enjoyment we did on the last bench. When professor was not looking at us.

We are not nerds and all..... Even if I am an introvert.....i enjoy with my friends silently. I feel joy even when I see them enjoying.

We use instagram or read novels in wattpad when we are bored during lectures. Now I don't think we can do all those things as I know beside me will be a boy....

And I am not very comfortable with that thought.

Even though he is the only one man I talk to in this college..... But that was all regarding the studies and all.

It is not that he is arrogant or any jerk Swapna says he is the most good looking one in our class. But I don't find him that good looking.
Because he is not as handsome as Siddarth..... Siddarth is like Greek God.

I heard that many girls from our class had a crush on the guy beside me.

Oh sorry I haven't introduced him to you guys right?

Meet Varun Reddy. He is the one beside me.Don't think we are some long lost relatives or what seeing Reddy in his name as well.

Just like north Indians have many sharma and malhothras  who are not related to each other..... Telugu people has a community called reddy's.

There are so many of them that many are not acquainted with each other. Even Siddarth is a reddy but I don't even know him before our marriage.

I know that Varun is good at studies...... Geetha borrows his records and notebooks as they are the best according to her.

I feel there are enough text books.... Even he will write notes from those books right?

I heard that Varun also has some crazy stalkers who follow him every where...... They also has a fan page of him in what's app where they capture his pics which were clicked secretly.

I think Siddarth 's fan club will have more members than his.

If I get chance I will ask anyone to add me in his fan page..... At least I can look him like that without any one getting doubts on me.

We heard the sound of ringing bell...... It is the time to start the lecture.

We all went inside the class and saw every one are busy searching their place to sit.

Suddenly Geetha grabbed my hand and took me to the second to the last bench in the last row.....

I thanked God at least he had some mercy on us as he did not have us any first bench. I can even use mobile from it is difficult from lecturers to keep eye on us.

She sat at the corner and I sat beside her. There is some place left.....

After few minutes Varun came and occupied the seat beside me.

I moved towards Geetha in an attempt to create more space between  us..... It is not his fault or is my personal space I needed at any circumstances.

He looked at me and gave a small smile..... Which I returned with out any hesitation.

After that our professor came to the class and introduced himself as Dr. abdul.
He teaches us ent. I heard he is so strict that he will never tolerate any mistakes from the students.

I just stayed silent listening to his lecture.

He taught us the basics of ent and asked us to come prepared for next class.

Like that I spent my first day at college...... It was so exhausting.

Now I am missing to be at home.

Weird right?? When I was at home I missed being here..... And now I want to go home.

I know I am a big hypocrite born in this world ever

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