Chapter 9

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The day dragged on slowly and by each passing second, Andrew could feel his nerve increasing rapidly.

Soon he would be seeing his sister and he had no idea how she would react.

He just hopes everything to be okay. He wanted his sister to be fine so he could freely fulfill his promise to her. Anyway, he shouldn't be worried because the doctor said she was okay.

Soon the bell rang signifying lunch hour. He wasted no time as he exited the class. He still has to inform his friends about the good news.

There were already sited around their usual spot charting. The only person missing was Erin and Andrew realized he hadn't seen her all morning.

He shrugged off his thought and walked towards the table "hey guys" he greeted and took his his beside Quinn.

"Hey" they answered back and immediately went back to charting. It seems like Quinn was interrogating Francis and Kaitlin on the level of their relationship.
Even Andrew was curious though cause they have been going out for some time now but are yet to make things official.

As Andrew watched his friends charting, he wondered how best to tell them the news. For sure they would be glad to hear it cause it might free them from the guilt they have been feeling.

He opened his mouth to bring it up when he saw Erin and Dave coming towards their table with their tray of lunch "are you sure you don't want to sit with us?" Erin asked Dave

"No thanks Erin, I'll just sit somewhere else" he glared in Andrew's direction before turning to walk away.

"Dave" Andrew called and he halted in his steps. He turn back to fave Andrew waiting for a reply.

Andrew wanted so much to tell him the good news. If there was anyone who would be truly happy, it would be Dave and Andrew knew his sister would want to see Dave before anyone else.

But the death glare the other guy was giving him cause him to clam his mouth shut. He could feel the tension that already surrounded the air as Dave glared at him.

He decided then that maybe it would be better not to say anything for now "nothing" he shook his head slowly and Dave wasted no time as he walked away.

"What was that about drew, it seems like you wanted to tell him something" Erin said curiously as she sat beside Kaitlin.

Andrew sighed deciding that this is the time to tell them "I just wanted to tell him about my sister" he breathed slowly trying to contain his excitement as his friends waited anxiously for his reply "she's returning home today"

The table was silent at his revelation. They all stared at him in disbelieve as if waiting for him to deny it and say its a joke but Andrew remained still; waiting for their reaction.

"Are you being serious drew?" Francis was the first to snap out of his shock state as he stared at Andrew expectantly.

"Of course I'm being serious" he answered happily as a huge grin spread across his lips.

"This is great news drew but what about her attacks?" Francis couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable by the news.

"She's fine now France. The doctor said she is completely okay and is free to come home so you don't have to worry about anything"

Francis smiled in response although he still felt a little uncomfortable about this.

"So are you really ready to see her again?" Quinn asked Andrew and his expression took on a worried one. What if Amelia hates him already.

"I'm ready. I don't care if she hates me now but I will do anything to win my sister back" his voice held determination and Quinn held his hand in encouragement.

"I'm going to the airport after school and I was hoping you guys can come with me" Andrew informed after a while and he notice Francis shifted in his seat.

"Count me in drew. I didn't get the chance to apologize to her. Maybe now is the right time" Quinn agreed and Andrew smiled great fully at her.

Quinn was part of the popular group then but she wasn't really a bully. She didn't have to apologize to Amelia but she felt she was also at fault because she didn't stop Andrew sooner.

"I-I don't know if I should be there drew, I don't want to upset lia" Francis said nervously. Maybe Amelia was doing better now but there is still a high chance that she wouldn't forgive them and he wasn't sure if he could be able to face Amelia in her normal state.

"France please you have to be there. I'm sure if we all go together we can settle things and ask for her forgiveness"

"I-I don't know drew, I just..." He sighed running his hands through his hair "I don't want her to freak out"

"She won't man cause she's fine now" Andrew gave him an assuring smile and he nodded.

"Fine I'll go"

"Then I'll go too" Kaitlin put in and they all looked at her.

"Maybe it's better if you don't" Andrew knew Kaitlin well enough to know that she dislike Amelia even after what happened to her and he didn't want her to come with them
He didn't want her saying mean things to his sister. He won't take it not even from her.

"I want to" she insisted "I want to see if she's changed or if she's still being a boring nerd"

"Kaitlin stop it" Quinn scolded and she shrugged her shoulder

"I'm just curious that's all. I mean, what happened to her should have thought her a lesson not to be a nerd"

"Kaitlin"Andrew breathed "please if you really want to come with us to the airport then be silent"

She rolled her eyes "yeah right, all of a sudden you've become the protective brother. You think she will forgive you just because you're her brother?" She scoff "oh spare me your brotherly devotion. After all you are the reason she almost lost her life"

her words hit him harder than he thought. She is right, Amelia wouldn't forgive him that easily. But he was going to try, he won't let Kaitlin's thought get to him and as if hearing his thoughts, Quinn's hand tighten around his.

"I don't care what you say Kaitlin. You are probably right but i won't give up on lia; not this time. I made a mistake in the past and i'm gonna fix it at all cost" he sighed deeply and face her once again "also you will not come with us cause I don't want you anywhere near my sister"

"I don't..." She tried to protest but was cut off by Francis.

"Just shut up already Katlin you have said enough"

She glared at him but didn't reply as she went back to her lunch.

Quinn stared at Erin who has been silent ever since the good news "what about you Erin, are you going?"

She smiled but it seem forced "i think I'll pass. I have a lot of things to do after school"

That was probably a lie. Erin probably felt a little insecure about Amelia.

Amelia is Dave's best friend and she was worried that Dave might abandon her if he sees Amelia again. She was kind of thankful that Andrew didn't reveal the news to him yet.
Maybe she could spend her last happy day with him before she returns.

"Alright Quinn, Francis. After school we should all head to the airport in my car" Andrew told them excitedly.

Seeing her again will be tough but he could do this for her.

Sorry for the late update please don't forget to vote and share your thoughts

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