Chapter 6

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Andrew rushed forward through the hospital hallways; he couldn't wait to see her, to talk to her and apologize for every single pain he caused her.

He just hopes she forgives him and let him be the brother he never was to her.

He pushed open the door to her room and slowly walked. There she sat on the bed looking at their patents with a small weak smile on her face.

A bandage was nearly tied to her head and as he looked at her, he was reminded once again that it was all his fault but she's awake now; he was given a second chance to be with his sister and he won't mess it up.

Seeing Amelia alive and okay brought tears of happiness to his eyes. He finally got her back.

Patricia was the first to notice him "oh Andrew you're here"

Amelia followed her mother's eyes and looked towards his way

The minute her eyes met his, he notice her tense and she began breathing hard. Her expression held fear and she was shaking

"Honey is something wrong?"  Patricia asked noticing her changed expression but Amelia didn't reply as her eyes refuse to leave his.

He took a step towards her to comfort her and assure her that he wouldn't hurt her but then all hell broke loose.

"No" Amelia yelled moving farther away on the bed with her eyes wide in fear and panic "get him away from me don't let him hurt me" tears rolled down her eyes as she kept her scared eyes on Andrew.

Patricia was confused but she tried to assure her "he is your brother lia, he won't hurt you"

"I won't hurt you again Amelia. I promise" he tries to assure as he took another step towards her but she moved farther on her bed screaming.

"NO! D-don't hurt me leave me alone" she tried  to get up from the bed and flee but Patricia held her before she could get up.

That only made her struggle and yell out, crying for no one to hurt her. She was struggling so much that Patricia could not hold her down and Andrew was too stund to help as he just stared at his sister in shock and hurt.

Luckily, Dan rush in at that moment; he must have heard the commotion out side "oh my God!" He exclaim in shock as ran over to help hold Amelia down before she could hurt herself "Tricia get the doctor" Dan yelled over Amelia's screaming and she quickly rush out to go get him.

Dave also rush in at that moment "Amelia!" He rushed to her side and once her eyes met his, she calm a little although the fear didn't leave her eyes.

"Dave" she cried and forced her hands out of her father's grip, which he easily let her as she hugged him "Dave don't let him hurt me. please don't leave me here with him"

"It's okay lia, I'm here. He won't hurt you okay. I'll protect you" he patted her back softly.

Soon Patricia came in with the doctor who wasted no time in injecting her with some drugs but she didn't notice because she was still in Dave's arms.

Slowly she drifted off to sleep and Dave gently laid her head on the pillows.

"Doctor why did she suddenly react like that" Patricia asked as she stared down at the sleeping Amelia.

"I daughter is suffering from anxiety disorder. The incident must have been traumatic for her and something triggered her to remember as a result she went into panic mode. I'll advice that you keep whatever cause her to react like that away from her for the time being or else her condition might get worse"

"Alright thank you doctor" Dan replied when Patricia didn't. She kept her eyes on Andrew with a thoughtful expression on her face.

The doctor nodded and walked out. Andrew was nervous as he fidgeted with his fingers. He knew his mother was putting two and two together and she was going to ask him questions soon. He wouldn't lie to them anymore. It's time to face his fears.

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