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Journal entry
I hate being afraid. But I think fear is a worthy price to pay for freedom.

Mina's POV

Kite found me!

My punishment was to be gang-raped by 10 hunters. They held me down and attempted to force themselves on me. I struggled with all my might but they were too strong.

I woke up with a whimpering cry, panting, scared and cold. It was like the temperature had dropped 20 degrees. I looked around. The girls were all still asleep. It was clearly still night time judging by the pitch black sky outside the window. The curtains we're not drawn and the blackness staring at me from the window looked scary, so I turned away from it and covered my head with the blanket.

My skin still crawled at the memory of their hands on me and the leery look on their faces. I shuddered. I would kill myself before I let such fate befall me. I won't go back like a lamb to the slaughter. I will fight. I'm not losing this new found freedom.


"So what are you going to do when we get out? Tetura asked.

She was sitting on the bed while I sat on the floor in between her thighs as she braided my hair in simple cornrows. I just took out a weave and didn't want to make a new hairdo yet. I could always wear a wig if jobs came calling.

I thought about the question for a while. I honestly haven't thought that far out yet. I have been so focused on making it out that I hadn't imagined my happily ever after. Now I think of it, we won't be able to get good jobs. We will always walk the streets looking over our shoulder. We would be free but we will still be afraid.

"I don't know Tet" I answered honestly.

"Is it really freedom if we can't do anything with it? We'd just be hiding and living in fear"

I bent my head backwards and looked up at her. "Fear is better than bondage".

"Fear is better than bondage" I repeated to myself as I brewed the morning coffee at the diner.

I had gone home, rushed through my laundry. I don't know why but the dream had me scared and the caravan suddenly felt spooky. I checked all my windows and doors to ensure no one could come in uninvited. It's just paronaoia I know.  But even the creaky floorboards made the place feel more spooky. I hadn't noticed how quiet the place had become since everyone moved out.

I hurriedly took my bath, got dressed and headed out. The caravan manager was leaning at the door of his caravan office and called out a greeting as I passed by. I noticed he was talking to 2 men in security outfits. We never had guards before. I'm guessing the restaurant requested it for their staff.  Could the restaurant staff start moving in already? I replied him with a smile and a wave, then headed for work.

At the diner, my first customer was the town sherrif. He was a regular here and I knew his order - 2 donuts and a cup of takeout cappuccino coffee. At first glance, sherrif seemed like a jolly good fellow with his white hair and twinkling eyes. He had a way of drawing people into conversations, making them feel at ease and babble on while he listened. I almost fell for it, but two conversations with him and I realized how smart and sharp-witted he was. I discovered he also had a very good memory so I try not to be chitty chatty with him. I kept my eyes down and put on a professional stance to avoid any small talk as I served him.

"So you're liking Twinhills right. I see you've settled in just fine" he said. 

So much for my professional stance. I rang up the total amount on the cash register. "Yes sir I have. Thank you. That will be $5.76"

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