~Chapter 19~

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Thanksgiving was just round the corner and it was making me peevish each passing second. Every year except for some times, my father invites me to his place and we have a great time together while catching up on our missed lives. This year, however, I wasn't looking forward to it.

My dad had been calling me nonstop for days now but I ignored him altogether. I know that he might be worried but I couldn't face him. Not after what just happened to me. I bet he must have watched and read the news splattered with my face everywhere. Yeah, super good money for the American media.

Not only that but this time during Thanksgiving, he might also have his fianceé, Angela and her son with him. How am I to face them? It was already difficult for me as it is but the problem of my new family knowing about it too was added in it as well.

It's been a week since I was fired, a week since my friends had come to check up on me and a week since Skye kissed me. That mere touch of our lips still brought out a funny feeling in my body.

Sighing sadly, I chomped down on my simple breakfast of scrambled eggs and orange juice. To make my depressing mornings complete, I had my laptop placed on the island countertop as I peered over my empty mailbox. Not a single company reverted back to me for my pretty "impressive" resume.

Never in my life had I ever felt so useless, helpless and cast off in a dumpster. My phone rang for the umpteenth time since the past week and it was no surprise when I saw my dad's caller ID flashing on my screen.

"Guess I am done with this shitty peek-a-boo. To hell with it." I sighed heavily and accepted the call, making my fork clatter against the dish.

"Hey, honey! How's my girl doing?" My dad's comforting voice spoke from the other side as soon as I'd picked up the call. He didn't even wait for my response. It was a mixture of relief and worry but mostly the former.

"Hiya, dad! I am doing good," I replied, hoping for my voice to sound just as excited as him but I guess I failed when I heard his soft sigh.

"I know you're lying, Val," he reprimanded me and I could imagine him raising an eyebrow at me.

"I know you do. And I also know that you'd know that I'd lie." I smirked teasingly and he chuckled. "I mean that question is sometimes supposed to be answered with an 'I am doing good' even when you're not. It's mandatory! They go hand in hand."

We both started laughing and I already felt so much better for the first time in days. Or maybe second if the kiss was to be counted. Talking to my dad almost boosted my serotonin. "There's my girl."

"Yeah, dad," I said with a smile while playing with the sleeve of my sweater.

"Val," he began, exhaling a deep breath. "Talk to me."

I didn't answer him for about a minute and started drumming my fingers on the island countertop. "I am… trying. I just… I need some space and time to figure everything out," I told him earnestly and closed my eyes for a second.

"You can tell me, y'know?" My dad used that tone wherein I would cave in and tell him about all my situations when we used to live together. The soothing tone where he would always sing 'Just Stay' for me.

"I do," I mumbled, my lips puckering despondently. "I got fired, dad."

It was silent on the other end and I thought that he was maybe disappointed in me but his next words brought me tons of relief. "Too bad, it's their loss then."

"I am ready to agree with you on that," I said, joking again. "You've already heard about it, haven't you?" I asked him, knowing his answer before he even told me.

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