~Chapter 18~

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I gasped as soon as I saw who it was and hastily slammed the door shut.

Closing my eyes, I leaned against the cool wooden door. When my brown eyes had met Skye's intense gray ones, I could tell from one look that he was oozing out stressful energy but I didn't care about any of that.

No but what the hell? How on Earth does he even know my address?! And the biggest question of them all is, what is he doing here? Was the public humiliation not enough?

"Open the door, Valerie. I need to talk to you," Skye said and his voice sounded melancholic. I had almost opened the door but that scene flashed before my eyes and how hostile his words were.

"Stop - stop acting like I need you. 'Cause I clearly don't!" Those exact same words brought a pang in my chest. "Talk to me? Talk to me?!" I laughed incredulously and punched the door to show him my anger by transferring it through the door to him. "But I don't wanna talk to you. So leave," I told him off rudely.

"Look, Val. I know that-"

"Valerie. It's Valerie for you or even better Ms. Jones." I glared at the door, pretending for a second that it was Skye himself. "And I don't wanna look at anything so just leave, Mr. Williams!" I shouted, quoting back his own words to him.

I winced when I felt a sharp pain in my head. Too much wine and some portion of scaly sleep would be a delicious recipe to have the worst headache ever. Welcome to Valerie's sad life.

I held my head between my hands and closed my eyes shut. Guess, shouting was out of the equation because I couldn't go through another shot searing through my skull.

I was about to turn around, not bothering to let Skye in when I heard a loud thud from behind the closed door.

"Shit, Val. Are you okay?" The tickling feeling in my chest came rushing back to me like snow pellets but I ignored it.

"Don't call me that!" Another pain shot through me and I had to hold back a hiss. My eyes fluttered closed for a second but I was startled by a loud bang against my poor door.

"Open the damn door because I am not leaving, got it? I really need to talk to you." I could hear a hint of desperation in his voice and I contemplated whether to let him in or not. "Please," he whispered this time in his smooth, soft voice.

I so badly wanted to punch him, to tell him that it was the same emotion I'd felt when he pushed me away yesterday. But there was this one thing that was stopping me. I wanted answers. Answers about why he would want to talk to me after clearly not "needing me."

Heaving a heavy and angry sigh, I opened the door with a force and glared at him. He almost tripped because he was holding onto it but caught himself on time. "Thanks," he mumbled.

He was wearing his work clothes and I was surprised to see him wearing his suit jacket as well. Skye's teeth chattered slightly and realization dawned on me that it was absolutely cold outside. His jaw was forming a bruise and I smiled proudly when I saw his painful mark.

I closed the door behind him with a slam and he winced slightly. Good. I smirked and crossed my arms across my chest. "I am sorry, Valerie," he apologized, not an ounce of fakeness in his voice.

I was gobsmacked because an apology from him was the last thing I had expected. I thought that he would be here to tell me to stay away from him or congratulate me on getting fired or anything resonating "mean". "What for?" I asked him finally.

"Huh?" He seemed to be caught off guard by my question but if I needed the answers, I'd first make him confess as well.

"What for?" I repeated, leaning back against the doorframe. I felt a bit guilty to just let him stand there instead of leading him toward my living room. 

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