Chaoter 24-dark hallways

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A blank aura was emmited throughout the entire bathroom, multiple stares were fiercely held onto your figure as the question registered in the women's minds, of course you instantly regretted the action after seeing their reactions, all their faces gelled in an identical stare, their mouths squeezed into a tight line, all eyes were squinted in a contemplative way, thinking wether or not the truth should be told in this situation... how did you even know her?

No one spoke up as the uncomfortable silence just got denser and worse, nothing but running water could be heard through the room, along with a few splashing sounds, you had pretty much lost your neck out of fear for what would happen in the next moments, retracting as far away as you could from the women also sitting in the pool-like bathtub. The entire atmosphere just screamed at you to get the hell out of there, but you were literally naked, and you did not want to show your fully nude self to these people who you used to call strangers.

"Nope! Don't know who that is, why do you ask? Is there something you want to tell us?" Your grandmother spoke cheerily, although, it seemed like it had a malice full tone under it. She pretty much decided on her own that not telling you would do all of us so much better than making you think another person was going to leave. Plus that woman wasn't even supposed to be alive, just their luck that you associated with her right? Who would've thought that she stayed in town, ha!

"Oh, no I don't, sorry" you spoke, all of a sudden sounding quite dejected, maybe your eyes were just fooling you, is that even a thing? Like when you start seeing hallucination shit after being kidnapped, oh fuck is this the start of Stockholm syndrome? Oh nonononono you were not going to let that start happening, no way in hell. Anywho... that was completely off topic, passively upset states turned into concerned ones at your sudden mood change.

"No need to apologize hon, we're just being careful. So... tell me about this ms. Kim." Your mother spoke, it was possible that you were talking about some other Kimana that just looked similar to the one in that photo, if you weren't though... then questions will be asked, let's leave it at that. It was a common goal among the three of the older women to know if there thoughts were correct, odd enough, they all had a gut feeling that the family was going to have to talk about this. That old hag was just threatening your safety... bitch

"Or don't, and we could talk about something else, do you need help washing your hair? Alright then!" Your aunt spoke up, taking the attention slightly off of the other two, jealously clearly runs in the family. She stood up and out of th water, before grabbing the clear bottles of some soapy substance and squirting some in her hands.

The focus was immediately on this women touching your head with th stuff, you tensed up , she gave a chuckle at your cuteness, and continued to lather and message the liquid into your hair until it foamed. Your eyes soon snapped back to the women in front of you though, as you noticed the ladies giving eachother glances, as if they were trying to communicate through their eyes.

"Well what did she look like? Was she pretty?" Your grandmother said, shoving her hands in her lap and staring closely at your facial features. Pictures of ms Kim ran through your mind, memories of her small smile, or her mother hen attitude, now that you think about it, ms Kim was the mother you never had. Should you tell them the truth though? Honesty is the best policy, unless it isn't, which makes things so much more confusing.

"Uh, yeah I guess. She had long black hair, and these bluish greenish eyes, I liked her, she was nice to me." You spoke, grabbing the side of th tub as Valentina (your aunt) placed her hand on a scar on your neck, it still hurt, not surprising, the cut was deep.

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