Chapter 4- home

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My entire existence wishes to die right now, I just watched diabolical lovers... and I'm not going to go on a rant but fuck that, it was so terrible.

You hadn't ever slept this good in your entire life, it kinda felt like sinking into clouds, warm clouds... very warm clouds. This is what alarmed you so much, you had never EVER felt well rested, and sure as hell after the beating your dad gave you last night... there is no way he would let you sleep a wink.

Feeling around the bed sheets, trying to find the book you had fallen asleep to, just to remember that you didn't have bed sheets, or such a soft bed. Shooting up from the warm cacoon you had just been under, you immediately took in your sorroundings.

The room you were in was a pale shade of blue, with with linings, and a fluffy white rug in the middle, the bed you wer in was the same light blue color, made with sell sheets and a warm woolen blanket. You hadn't known much, but you were pretty sure that kidnappers weren't supposed to treat the captive so nicely.

You hadn't noticed the cameras that had been placed in the room, due to the fact they had been hidden in plain sight. You stood up and almost immediately fell down, whoa legs are supposed to... you know... walk?

You grabbed the bed frame, in attempts to stable yourself, this certainly wasn't your room, and you don't have any friends houses to stay at, so where were you?

That's when it hit you, all the memories came rushing back to your head, one by one you remembered the tall man suffocating you with a cloth, and then you being half conscious on the way to wherever you were, to feeling someone patting your back and kissing your forehead.

You broke then and their, crying your eyes out as you stumbled down onto your knees, your hands shaking and your lips quivering as you felt utterly helpless

TW minor panic attack

You had already had the worst life, your parents constant neglect and abuse

"Shut up you worthless little slut"

You had almost been done with it all, you could have run away with b/n sooner or later, your savings we're almost enough for six years worth of rent at a place you were looking at.

"Don't make a noise or I'll cut your little b/n's head off too"

But no you had to get caught up in whatever this was, you c out don't believe you had made even more people angry at you, and you didn't even know them!

"No ones ever coming to help you"

You gasped for breath, clawing at your neck with your long nails, trying to stop the attack before you alerted you captors of your conciseness, your parents would beat you 10x harder if you had a visible panic attack in front of them.

"You are a nuisance, the only reason you're still here is because you get us cash... bitch"

End of TW

All you wanted was to leave and never look back at your past, now you were probably going to get sold, and you would never see b/n again.

What you hadn't realized, is that since there was any movement in the room, you had the entire family watching you very closely. Until they saw the panic stricken look on your face, and the start of a panic attack, that's when they started rushing upstairs the seven stairwells, to get you to calm down.

They could all hear your silent cries of pain, as you gripped your neck, to stop yourself from screaming.

"Please... please stop" you raspily whispered ,still struggling to breath,
Not noticing the 2 men who had just sprinted all the way up the stairs. One didn't know what to do, but the other immediately acted on attempting to comfort you.

Your "father" bent down and picked up your shaking form, and sat on the silk bed, he maneuvered your body so that your legs were wrapped around his waist, and started whispering "it's okay" or "no one's going to hurt you", in your ear.

You hadn't noticed that he had picked you up, bad memories had been running through your head. But you came to your senses a few moments later and realized that a complete stranger had been holding you. You had still been sobbing uncontrollably, and the stranger still was patting your back.

You screeched, and flailed your arms around, trying to push yourself out of this mans lap. But as such happened earlier, you were completely weak compared to this 6'8 male.

"Are you okay sugarplum? I can get your mother if you want, I bet she could help you?" The strange man asked you, why would he need your mother? She would just smack your something.

As you continued to struggle, and he continued to hold on to your waist, you grabbed his shoulders and hoisted yourself up. Pushing him down in the process and rocketing you across the overly sized bed.

"W-where am I?" You said in a shaky tone, and backed into the corner where. Big window was displayed, while fiddling with the lock on the window. Trying to get the stupid latch open so you could jump out, the supposedly simple latch wasn't budging though.

The males in the room watched in triumph as you failed at opening the window, they had used industrial glue to keep it shut, and it had been made of bulletproof glass.

The other members were all eavesdropping, ears pressed to the walls to hear your quivering voice. They all silently "awed" at your attempts to leave.

"Welcome home, sugarplum"


Thins chapter is still part of the starting chapters in the book, so it's not as interesting as it could be. But I promise it will get better.

TW mentions of rape

I'm gonna go on a rant real quick, today I read a book where a female protagonist was r*ped by a man, but then she FUCKING FLOOPITY FLOPP FLOOPING forgave him, and said it was her fault any way. This man proceeded to be toxically possessive over the female, and in the end they get married, and he's still some toxic mafia boss bitch. That's number one, not even a realistic reaction, and number two, makes me kinda angry in more ways than one. The man repeatedly s*xually harassed her even after her small protests. She still forgives him though, and goes to cry about it to her best friend. I'm so tired and I can't even with this flip flopping book. Okay, rant ended, sorry you had to read that.

Lastly, what is your favorite nickname that I should use in this book. Love, sugarplum, etc?

Byyyeee hope you have had a wonderful day!


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