Chapter 14

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Tim followed the brunette down the corridor, navigating through the sea of people. It was a little difficult not to lose track of where she was, but he managed to follow close enough.

He was dressed in normal clothes, namely a poor disguise he liked to call 'the Clark Kent' where he chucked on a pair of non prescription glasses on top of the most basic clothes he could find. In all honesty, he didn't really need to have a disguise, seeing as no one knew him anyways, but he just felt like it would be inappropriate to infiltrate a school without something that resembled a disguise.

He went to stand next to the girl as she approached a group of friends.

"Hey Parker, this guy's been looking for you. You wanna talk to him?"

Peter turned from his conversation and caught sight of Tim, almost jumping out of his skin. Tim thanked the girl and she left with a shrug.

Peter opened his mouth to say something, but stopped himself, realizing the number of people around them. With a quick apology to his friends, he dragged Tim into an empty classroom.

"Dude! What're you doing here?"

Tim shrugged. "Look, can you do me a favor?"

Peter looked unamused. "And you had to come all the way to my school, just for that? I was literally going to come in later tonight. Wait, how did you even find out which school I-"

"Okay okay," Tim raised his hands up in surrender. He didn't really want Peter to find out that a lot of his information was easily hackable once you got past FRIDAY. "Calm down, I don't like social interactions either, but this is kind of urgent."

"Fine, what is it?"

"Well you've got to swear not to tell anyone, particularly Tony."

Peter raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. "Right, That's totally not suspicious at all," Tim winced, but continued, taking in a big breath before digging into his explanation.

"Okay, so like say hypothetically I know a guy who came from a different dimension by accident who's stuck here and he has the blueprints and all the plans on how to get home, but is finding it difficult to source the materials he needs because the government would kind of be after him if they ever found out. But the guy is totally fine with that because he knows another dude who is practically this other rich dude's son and could potentially help him get the materials he needs without raising suspicion. Um yeah. That guy is me. I need help." 

Peter blinked slowly, trying to process everything Tim had said. Tim could practically hear the gears turning in his head and second doubted himself for a moment. Perhaps he shouldn't have told him... No, he had to trust him. Peter stuttered, trying to find words when the bell rang. Tim looked up at the sound and moved towards the window ledge, propping up the window and hopping up on the frame. He had to leave before the students came in.

"Well, I'm just gonna give you time to think things through... we'll talk later at the Tower 'kay?"

He jumped out the window, somersaulting in the air before landing neatly on the grass below, pulling a Dick move. He slipped on his glasses and strolled away, hands in his pockets.

He could distinctly hear Peter's shout of surprise from the window.

"Dude this is the third floor!"


Tim sighed, staring up at the ceiling.

Now it was just a matter of convincing Peter to help him out. He'd taken the risk in telling Peter and wasn't really sure if he'd made the right choice but there was no turning back now. At least he knew that Peter was capable of keeping things secret unlike some people he frequently saw around the tower. *cough, Tony *cough.

He glanced at the clock on the wall. If he was correct, Peter would be arriving any moment now.

Tim got up and left his room in favor of standing on the terrace where he assumed Peter normally came in from. He was still quite salty about being told off from climbing the building since the last time, but supposed it was probably fair because at least Spiderman was able to stick to walls and literally climb the building.


Tim immediately swept around, baterang in hand. Peter slowly raised his hands up in surrender and the two of them stared at each other for a split second before Tim shook his head and put the baterang away.

"Sorry I didn't notice you came."

"Er, yeah. It's fine. I'm more surprised at how quickly you reacted. You pulled it out last time, but what is that?"

"This?" Tim pulled out the baterang again. "Baterang." He said simply. He gave it to Peter to examine. "I thought you'd come through the window."

Peter held up the weapon in front of his eyes. "Nah, couldn't be stuffed getting changed." He handed the weapon back. "So why a bat?"

"It's a long story, you probably don't want to hear it." Tim glanced at Peter who had a strange look on his face. Almost like he was...

"Um Peter, you okay?"

"Hell no! You freaking left me with that bombshell out of the middle of nowhere! Explain, right now. What the heck do you mean by being from another dimension? How is that even possible?" Peter paused to breathe and Tim closed his eyes, expecting another torrent of shouting.

"Okay, okay but I gotta admit, that is so cool. How'd you cross over? How different is that world from ours? Wha-"

"Woah calm down!" Tim interrupted, actually pretty glad that Peter at least believed him. "Okay I'll tell you everything. Just chill, okay?"


"Wait so you want me to get materials from Mr Stark for this machine?" Peter asked as he looked through the blueprints on Tim's wrist computer.


Tim had just finished explaining his predicament properly, starting from when he'd come across the blueprints and the machine to the present. Peter had surprisingly taken everything in well and was willing to help Tim get back home if he agreed to help out in patrolling while he was still here. Tim assumed Peter just wanted company on his patrols and saw this as a win win situation, agreeing immediately.

"I mean sure I can do that, but won't Mr Stark notice if I just... you know, ask for this stuff?"

"Yeah which is why I came up with the idea of you working on some project that uses similar materials while I make the machine."

Peter's eyes twinkled. "Ooh okay. That's perfect. I've always talked about wanting to build a teleportation device. I mean not across dimensions but maybe within the country. I've already got some ideas about it and It'd totally beat catching the subway to the Tower."

"Like a Zeta tube?" Tim asked, making Peter look up from his thoughts.

"Zeta tube?"

"Ah," Tim debated on whether to tell him about them or not, but decided there really wasn't any harm in doing so. "Well, we have teleportation docks that the Justice League uses to get from one city to another."

"And you know how to make one?" Peter excitedly asked.

"Err yeah I helped my mentor program and rewire them a couple years ago."

Peter looked at Tim with a newfound respect. "Dude that's awesome."

Tum scratched the back of his neck. "Nah it's not that much. I'll help you engineer it if you're stuck. So we're set on the project idea right?"

"Yup, you'll be home in no time trust me."

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