Chapter 8

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As he'd expected, the phone had been bugged with a nanochip that would monitor every move on the phone. Tim removed the piece carefully and put back the phone into one piece.

Now that the hardware seemed to be safe, it was time to check the software. Tim's favourite part of the whole operation: the hacking. He made quick work of the simple firewalls in place to protect the phone from online activities and viruses and made a sweep of everything.

To be honest, he was kind of disappointed that he hadn't been able to find much, only the default security measures. It seemed like they'd underestimated him, only adding a nanochip as if he wouldn't notice. But then again, these people didn't really know that he was a good hacker in the first place, so it really wasn't that much of a big deal.

Tim finally powered up the phone correctly and began researching. It didn't take that many searches to find that, as he suspected, no traces of people from his world existed at all. Even Gotham was a place that didn't exist. None of the Justice League members nor their secret identities had a place in this world. It disturbed him that Wayne Enterprises wasn't a thing either.

Tim felt a wave of loneliness rush upon him. He was truly alone in this foreign world with no one to rely upon. He honestly wanted to go home to Bruce's brooding, Alfred's cooking, heck, he'd even welcome Damien trying to end his life.

Tim shook his head. It wasn't the time to be depressed. There was still hope for a way back. He searched up interdimensional travel and anything related to it that he could think of. Unfortunately nothing came up. But it was fine. Tim still had his last resort; the blueprints of the original device in his gloves. It was lucky that he hadn't gotten rid of them on his hard drive after he'd uploaded the data on the Batcomputer.

Tim nodded to himself. The first step was to get his gloves back. Then, figure out how to get back. Potentially contact Bruce along the way if possible.

Tim became restless, wanting to move around and let out his pent up energy from feeling powerless and helpless for the last two days. He debated on sneaking out of the tower, but didn't know where he'd get an extra pair of gloves to protect his hands when he used the grappling rope so he decided to let it go. Instead, he opened his door and walked out into the hallway, trying to let out everything through pacing back and forth. Perhaps he'd bump into someone else and get his mind off everything by talking to them. He didn't really know.

He ended up focusing on the sound of his foot falling and breathing as he walked around. And it was only until he physically bumped into someone that he was woken from his trance.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to-" Tim stopped as he peered at who he'd knocked over. It was a costume he'd never seen before and although the mask covered the head entirely, it was clear that it was not any of the few people that Tim knew in this world. Tim immediately got into a fighting stance, pulling out several batarangs cautiously.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

The other guy raised his gloved hands in surrender. "Woah, calm down dude. I'm just your friendly neighborhood Spiderman. And honestly, I think you might be a little mixed up." Spiderman crossed his arms and Tim raised his batarangs slightly higher. "I think I should be asking who you are and what you're doing in Avengers Tower."

The name 'Spiderman' literally meant nothing to Tim so he didn't know whether to attack or not. The guy seemed comfortable enough in here and didn't seem to be that much of a threat... yet. Tim knew that he should have done some research on the superheroes of this world before coming out of his room. He decided to trust his instincts for now. He lowered his weapons and put them away.

"Red Robin," he introduced himself curtly. Spiderman snorted.

"Like the fast food chain?" Tim suppresses a groan. Red Robin wasn't a fast food chain in his dimension. Tony had made fun of him enough already.

"Let's go see Tony."


"Peter! You came early today!" Tony looked up from his work in his lab. Spiderman groaned from beside Tim.

"Mr. Stark you promised you wouldn't tell anyone!" He pointedly jerked a head at Tim. Ah so this was the 'Peter' that everyone kept going on about. Tim really didn't give a damn about what Spiderman was really called, seeing as he wouldn't know him anyways but it did answer his question on who this Peter guy was. Seeing as Tony seemed close to the hero, Tim relaxed a little.

"Nah, Robin's fine. He's your age too!"

Tim frowned at the use of his brother's title. Spiderman took off his mask to reveal a messy haired teenager. He stuck out a gloved hand at Tim.

"Well, it seems like you're good to go then. Hi, I'm Peter Parker." Tim returned the smile and shook his hand.

"Like I said before, Red Robin," Peter raised an eyebrow.

"Is that your real name or..."

"The kid won't tell us. Just call him Robin." Tony called out.

"Uh, maybe don't call me Robin." Tim muttered under his breath.

"Hm?" Tony looked up from his calculations.

Tim felt a little cornered and instantly decided that it wasn't worth explaining himself. Ah yes, the perks of having minor social anxiety. "Um... nevermind."

"Hm okay then."


Tim left the two in the lab, heading towards his room excitedly. Just before he left the lab, he'd spotted a pair of work gloves and had asked to borrow them from Tony who unquestioningly said yes.

He'd finally go on patrol again. Although it wouldn't be the same without Oracle to rely on in his ear or Dick's jokes as they waited for crime to happen, Tim felt excited for a sense of normalcy.

He quickly donned his suit, doing a final check of his stock before faced with the problem of escaping the tower itself. He had only been granted access to three of the floors and none of the windows could open on any of the floors. If he attempted to do anything, FRIDAY would immediately alert Tony and he'd be caught. If he had his wrist computer he'd be able to easily-

Tim suddenly remembered the phone that he'd received. It would be less efficient than his wrist computer, but it would have to do. He quickly sat down in a corner out of the way and began hacking into the tower's mainframe.

The phone definitely had the potential to do this, but it was slightly difficult to work with, especially because he couldn't type as quickly as normal. He removed the firewalls set in place, being careful to cover up his tracks and go undetected. It definitely wasn't the easiest specifically because he had to work around the AI, but Tim managed to get in. He changed the places where he could access so that he was free to come and go as he pleased. He even reprogrammed FRIDAY to turn on disco lights anytime someone said the keywords 'party', 'dance', 'woohoo' and several others. He chucked to himself. Tony might not even realize in the next three years.

He turned off his phone and hopped into the elevator, heading for the roof. This was going to be fun.

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