Aiden - Twenty-One

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21 - Aiden


I don't know what emotions were going through me right now. Every fucking time our lips touched it was like I was becoming more and more alive. Jordan was the first to notice it but everyone else did quickly after. I was smiling constantly the whole time we were hanging out at the bar. I'm a happy person usually goofing off and smiling anyway but apparently this is different.

"You keep looking over at her your jaw might fall the fuck off." Jordan laughed taking a swig of his beer.

"Act like you can stop looking over at Summer, or this dickhead at Dylan, or even that one at our own fucking sister." I shrugged.

"That kiss did you in...was it the first time?" I nodded tipping the bottle back, I swore not to tell anyone about the night Blair and I had a few months back and I've kept to it. "I remember that feeling. Get ready, it's going to be a fast and hard downhill." I shook my head and looked down.

"I don't want to fall."

"Sometimes you don't have a choice." Cole said shrugging his shoulders. Xavier came back over and the conversation quickly changed to sports. I looked over and even though Blair was smiling, she didn't look to happy.

"I'm going to see if my lady wants to head home. She's looking a bit sleepy." I nodded to the guys and went over to the table, catching the last bit of something Dylan was saying.

"If something is even similar, we will sue." She shrugged taking a sip of her tea as all eyes came to look at me.

"Uh, came to check on my beautiful lady." I looked at Blair. "You want to head home?" Relief flooded her gorgeous features and she nodded.

"Yes, I'm exhausted." Dylan stood up to let Blair out, my arm went around her waist. I set down my empty bottle, hugged the girls and said goodbye.

"I'll be seeing you." Meg stated not moving from her seat thankfully. I just raised my brows and nodded like a sarcastic 'yea, okay' and turned to head toward the door.

"Thank you." Blair stated looking up at me.

"No problem, I could tell you were looking quite uneasy."

"Yea, she isn't exactly nice. Plus, she's super convinced you're like way hung up on her." She laughed. I stopped and pulled her back against me to kiss her again. This time I lifted her, she wrapped her legs around my waist and I walked us out of the bar. "Aiden..." She backed away slightly when the cold outside air hit us.

"I just needed one last one." I let her slide down my front until her feet hit the ground. Keeping my hands on her waist making sure she was steady.

"Why does it have to be the last one?" Her beautiful hazel eyes staring up at me through those long lashes.

"You know me Blair."

"And I know we're both adults." I shook my head.

"It's going to hurt too much."

"You said that earlier Aiden, what's going to hurt?" My eyes locked on hers.

"I don't trust myself to be able to let you go, once I've had you, sober." She shrugged.

"Then don't."

"It ain't that simple, and you know it."

"Aiden, you're a different man now. You can allow yourself to let..." She shook her head not wanting to finish what I already knew she was going to say. I pursed my lips and looked up.

"Am I taking you back to your apartment?" She shook her head.

"Car is at your place, and I have to go pick up Ryder." I swallowed hard and slid our hands together walking to my truck. I helped her climb up as I always do and drove in silence back to the house. We got there and I shut off the truck and didn't move. She didn't make a move either. I fucking wanted her so bad. I haven't been able to keep her off my mind especially since our drunken night. The past six months we've build up this bond, this friendship that I don't want to break. Now I don't want to stop kissing her, it's hard enough to keep my hands off her. I ran my hand down my face.

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