A New Friend

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This is probably just gonna be a short chapter because I had a small idea that I wanted to include so yeah...

3rd POV

It was only three days after your new co-worker Mr. Ackerman started working with you. You were working very well together, even though he didn't talk that much he was still good at his job and working together.

The other employee for the shift that the two of you had quit the job, leaving just the two of you for that shift. The two of you didn't mind it though since the both of you worked well together.

You were serving the customers with their coffee and whatever they needed. Whether it be running it to their tables or calling their names to get their order. A few minutes later, A girl with brown hair walked into the cafe. She also had her hair up in a ponytail and she had glasses too.

1st POV

I was busy running orders to people and calling names, when a girl with brown hair and glasses walked into the cafe. She called Mr. Ackerman by his first name and said "Levi!" Who is she I thought to myself. 'Could she be his girlfriend or something...- wait why do I even care it's not like I like him or anything, we just met four days ago anyways.' "Hey Four eyes" Levi replied. Which I thought was a weird nickname. The girl talked to Levi for a minute or two, then she stepped over to me. " Hi I'm Hange Zoe, and I'm one of Levi's friends." She said.

"Hello Miss Zoe, I'm F/n l/n its nice to meet you!" I said. " You can call me Hange honey." She said. " Okay Hange, is there anything I can get you today?" I asked. " I'll try the unicorn frappuccino since I've never tried those before." She replied. Soon after that I began making her frappuccino. It turns out that she liked the unicorn frappuccino.

———————-1 Month Later———————————

Hange turned into a regular customer, coming to the cafe everyday or two and she would also stop by and talk to me and Mr. Ackerman while we were working. Sometimes after my shift was over I would go hangout with Hange and we would get to know each other a lot better. But she was a little crazy, but I just thought that side of her was quite funny.

Sometimes Levi would hangout with us when we went to get tea and stuff. He eventually told me to call him Levi instead of Mr.Ackerman, like I had been doing for almost the past month. So the three of us became a bit close within that month that we hung out.

Sorry this was such a short chapter, but I just wanted to include Hange in a small chapter and I only had a small idea for it. Also let me know any suggestions you have for the next chapter. Thankyou so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed it.

It All Started With A Fruit Basket(Levi x Reader) (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now