Your New Boss

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Another night in Hell, drinking away your problems at the local bar.

Still to this day, you have no idea what you did on Earth to deserve this.

You went to church every now and then, tried to be nice to people, was rarely ever in jail... why are you even in Hell, to begin with?

Oh well. This is your home now, so you might as well make the best of the situation.

At least the booze here is a Hell of a lot better than anything on Earth. Pun intended.

You're currently sitting at a bar stool near the counter, talking to one of the only friends you've made down here since your recent arrival. The bartender, a demon named "Jake".

"How have things been for you lately, (Y/N)?" Jake asks, wiping down a recently-used drinking glass with a rag.

"Kind of shitty lately, not gonna lie." you reply. "Just got laid off, last week."

"Oh wow, that's not good." he says, pointing out the blatantly obvious. "Why? Did you fuck something up, like your last job?"

You sigh and roll your eyes. "I said I was laid off, not fired. It wasn't my fault, this time around."

"Why, what happened?" he asks.

"Well, apparently robots are taking over peoples' jobs here in Hell, too. That's all I'm going into about it..."

"I'm sorry to hear that, man." Jake says. "Here, have this one on the house."

Putting down the drinking glass he was holding, Jake reaches up and grabs a bottle sitting up on the shelf behind him.

It's quality stuff, too. You rarely ever buy it though, because it's usually super expensive.

"You sure, Jake?" you ask. "You really wanna waste a bottle of 'Lucifer's Best'?"

He chuckles, placing the bottle on the counter in front of you. "I'm not wasting it!"

He then turns back around, fetching a pair of clean drinking glasses. "I'm sharing it with a friend in need."

He hands you a glass, and you can't help but smile at the kind gesture. "Thanks, man. This means a lot, honestly."

"Hey, don't mention it." he replies, opening up the bottle and pouring its contents in the two glasses.

He raises his glass up in the air and you do the same, saying "Cheers". You clink your glasses together and take a swig.

"Damn." you say, taking a look down at the drink in your hand. "Haven't had this stuff in forever. Just as good as I remember it."

"Glad to hear it!" Jake says. "And you know... if you ever need a place to crash 'til you get back on your feet, I'm here for ya."

"I'll be fine." you assure him. "I'll just start applying everywhere, and hope for the best. I can still hold my own for a while."

"The economy's been kinda down the shitter, lately." he says, before taking another sip of the drink. "It might be harder to find a new job, than you think."

"Maybe..." you reply.

You look up at a nearby TV on the wall, noticing that it's set on the channel 666 news network.

"Oh, it's that 'Katie Killjoy' bitch again..." you mutter.

"Want me to change the channel?" Jake asks, picking up a nearby remote.

"Yeah, you might as well-" you begin to say, before the camera angle suddenly changes, showing a girl sitting in the chair next to Katie. It looks like she's being interviewed.

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