The Truth

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Your pov

"Oh dear..." Patrick sighed as you explained everything to him. He handed you a cup of tea and patted your shoulder.
"Miss y/n... I know all of this seems like it's the worst thing, but isn't that big of a deal.." he smiled. His smile was so kind, it was so soft and gentle. It made you feel like everything would be ok.  You sniffled and forced a smile as he patted your head now, comforting you with each touch.

"Master Ackerman can come off as a real bad man sometimes... but I'm sure once you explain everything will be o-" he began as you took a sip of your tea.
The door swung open slamming into the wall, and in the doorway stood a disheveled, angry Levi. You had never seen him like this before, his hair was a mess, he was slouching, and even his shirt was wrinkled! you almost. Dropped your cup as he slammed the door shut and glared at you, menacingly from where he stood

"How fucking dare you. I knew this shit would happen!" He roared so loud you were sure the neighbors could hear.
You covered your face with your hands hearing the tapping of his heels get closer.

"Mister Levi please allow me to explain-" Patrick began and Levi growled interrupting him.
"I knew this was a bad idea from day one y/n. You're not mature enough for marriage you'll never grow up. I don't care what benefits we get from your company, when the child is a brat it's not worth it!" He shouted and you stood up getting in his face.

"Listen here Levi that is NOT what happened-" you began and he laughed out of anger.
"So you just kiss all of your friends then? It's all over the news y/n. I can't believe i actually thought you were ok." He shouted back. You crossed your arms feeling the anger rise within you.
You scoffed shocked at his statement.
"Thought i was ok?? You tell me every day since we met that you don't approve of this marriage, you know nothing about me and you won't give me the chance to even know you!" You shouted feeling the familiar knot in your stomach form once again.
Levi rolled his eyes and turned his back on you.

"It's unbelievable. After I let you.." Levi began then silenced himself. He crossed his arms and looked Down towards the floor in disbelief.

It was true he never wanted a forced marriage and you didn't either.
"Sir I swear it's not what it looks like, miss y/n is in love with y-" he began and Levi turned towards him.
"Shut the hell up this doesn't include you. Leave the room patrick." He ordered and Patrick bowed.
"Yes sir." He left the room looking at you and smiling. The same smile that was comforting you just moments before now had a painful look behind it. Like when you snatch a toy from a little kid who was happily playing with it.

You felt your heart break a little more at the sight of Patrick's face.
You had enough.
"That's It! You can not sit here and only blame me!" You grabbed his jacket throwing it at him.
His face went from angry to pale within seconds, and he turned towards you, the jacket in his hands.
His eyes said it all.

"Petra said you gave this to her isn't that so. You have secrets to Levi! You have a thing for Petra, have since day one. I pay attention, everyone tells me that's not how it is but how stupid do I look Levi Ackerman! " You stopped to catch your breath, your adrenaline was so high you could hear your heartbeat in your ears, like a loud drum.

"So now you're spying on me?" He clenched his jacket tightly and glared at you. You clenched a fist full of your hair and cried. The tears stinging your eyes as it fell.
"Levi! Why is this a big deal? I didn't kiss eren he kissed me!"

"Does it matter? That's not how the press will see it!" He growled throwing his jacket against the wall hard.
"But you know! Levi I would never ruin our reputations on purpose! "

"I don't fucking care because guess what? You did. True to being as childish you always are!" He shouted and slammed hands against the table as he approached you.
You wiped your tears and clenched your fists.

Arranged Love  (Aot  Levi x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum